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Sadly that may not be far from the truth.

China folks are more hungry than most in the west, with the exception of Silicon Valley and New York, and China isn't "burdened" by quality of life, and work life balance, which isn't healthy, but that's one of their edge.

Even for U.S. AI Startups, asian makes up a majority of the research + technical staff. I think the incentive to go into PhD in the west has been gradually declining for years, while PhD programmes have been flooded with Chinese Students. I think it's something that the U.S. government needs to address to try to remain competitive in the longer term.

Manufacturing is something that the west actively gave up and migrated the skillset to Asia, notably China and Taiwan.

> China folks are more hungry than most in the west

This is a big part, but China also has a different economic model where they can plan ahead and invest for long term scenarios and strategies.

Shareholder value maximization maybe wasn't the optimal way to structure the economy after all.

I think while technically they differ mostly only in terms of the training materials thrown into it, the outcome is that each model is good at something and bad at others, just like human being. Soon you'll need standardized tests and HR department to evaluate individual LLM performance. :)

Sigh. But honestly, it just felt like people getting used to China doing outrageous things like these to the point where it's no longer interesting for a comment.

dude, that’s freaking nuts. It’s amazing and terrifying at the same time.

Note that in an actual intercept, this thing is in space and going like 10km/s. It's job is to slam directly into an incoming Ballistic Missile re-entry craft before it can deploy nukes and decoys.

The giant nozzle pointed downwards is simulating 0-gravity, and probably does not exist on live fired craft.

Those thrusters must be extremely precision controlled too. At that flight profile, having a nozzle open an extra millisecond means missing the intercept by hundreds of feet.

And a Nuke hitting DC

And it looks small, but it's 1.6 meters long (over 5 feet) and fully fueled would weigh ~200kg/~500 lbs!!!

I don’t know man. I mean, google indexes the open web to create a search engine and we all seem to be fine with it. I do draw the line that if you want to build a LLM, there’s the internet for you, train your own damn model and stop piggybacking on someone else’s, or in China’s case, at least don’t get caught.

Remember, "A little bit beyond Hello World" in Carmack's mind is Video Decompression code. Brings a little bit of perspective.

Still not enough to pass judgement on Rust.

We in Hong Kong are all assuming that TikTok is CCP-owned at this point.

Any large company that has majority ownership in China or primarily employs software developers based in China is a spying apparatus, whether voluntarily or not.

It's not even about intentions. You are subject to the whims of the CCP whether you want to be or not.

No company operates from China without such influence. Some are more blatant than others (Huawei is more obviously a spying apparatus than Zoom).

I wish you the best of luck and hope you are able to get out of HK if you wish.

Why are you downvoted for stating the facts?

Chinese citizens and organizations are required by China’s National Intelligence Law to support, assist and cooperate with the state intelligence work. The law also protects any individual and organization that aids it. That’s partly why Huawei is a national security risk. [0]

CCP also sent state officials to private companies. Private companies, including foreign entities, have to establish formal party organizations. [1]

[0] https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/05/huawei-would-have-to-give-da...

[1] https://www.reuters.com/article/us-alibaba-china-party/china...

Young children are obsessed about TikTok, even in Hong Kong, and parents are just too happy to let their kids melt in front of a mobile screen all day just to get some rest.

I’ve actually never really seen it taking off in HK, most people here are obsessed with Instagram and Facebook. Kids are mainly playing mobile games or watching Youtube.

But then there's also Zero chance that the CCP is telling them to leave Hong Kong. TikTok imho is a spying and influence tool for the CCP anyway.

This move feels very very weird.

With the ban in India and threat of US ban, this move may be a PR move to say to the US Feds, "No, we're not a CCP tool. We've pulled out of the HK market to avoid data sharing with the CCP!" Essentially sacrificing the already low HK market to keep the much bigger Rest of the World market.

Of course, no one in tech believes them. We'll see if the public and governments believe them.

You're right that correlation does not equal causation, but it doesn't have to be for those folks to not care.

Having lived in Singapore, Hong Kong (current) and China, I can tell you that in Singapore's case, folks are aware that they live under a semi-dictatorship, that their government controls all media (radio, tv, everything is state-owned). But they always say "but I guess the government is doing a good job".

One has nothing to do with the other. The government can do a good job without the dictatorship, but it's the way folks rationalize their helplessness, their sense of lack of control over their fate.

This is also why we in Hong Kong ARE fighting against these kind of controls, probably in vein, but I for one do NOT want to resign in rationalizing for the government's over-control without a fight.

I've lived in Singapore too. Its mighty oppressive in that I found myself self-censoring on occasion but you can't compare it to the dystopia China has become.

"compare it to the dystopia China has become."

Just out of curiosity, what times are you referring to, when china became dystopian?

If you have to ask you haven't been paying attention

So ... apparently you mean the recent events?

Well, have you ever heard of the tiananmen place?

Or ... the "cultural revolution" from Mao himself?

Or the cleansing events after the revolution?

Or, ... before the red revolution, years of bloody civil war, with ruthless warlords taxing even dying of their underlings, or general things in old china like child towers outside of town, where the unwanted babys were thrown to die, so their souls did not haunt the houses of the living?

In other words, you have been sleeping before(or did not bother with china at all), if you only consider the current events the strong ones, that qualify for dystopia.

I know enough about China's history but am by no means an expert. All I can say regarding your examples is that, yes they are very disturbing, however technology has changed the game considerably. Perhaps techno-dystopia would have been a more accurate characterisation.

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