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Starship is an alternative: https://github.com/starship/starship

Does he eat a rock everyday?

neoneofetch when?

> And these companies, they use the same kind of central planning that we so despise in communist systems. I know. I’ve done it.

The work of János Kornai made us realize that it is impossible to find an exact solution for economic planning, so a completely centrally planned economy is destined to have major inefficiencies (he was also a notable inspiration for the Chinese reformers). It also seems like some kind of planning is inevitable in market economies to achieve long term goals as market prioritizes short term gains.

There were "human zoos" in Western Europe even after WWII...


"I" for success, "we" for loss. Such a classic.

Reemo: <https://reemo.io/>

You don't even need a code or install a client (you can use Chrome). Sometimes I use it for gaming, too.

Information Automatically Collected. ... Online activity data. Information about your use of and actions on the Service, such as pages or screens you viewed, how long you spent on a page or screen and navigation paths between pages or screens.


To me this seems horrifyingly invasive.

> To me this seems horrifyingly invasive.

No wonder it's free

That's valid criticism. It seems like Parsec also has almost the same problem (and owned by Unity):


The answer is: small-size groupchats and they are already here. It depends on the location and your interests, but WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Telegram and Discord groups became prevalent in the previous few years (I don't know about Asia though). I'm personally a member of like 5-6 similar communities. There is virtually no overlap between these, separate groups of friends and people who share the same hobbies. Between 3 and 8 members per group. Usually async communication, but random audio/videocalls are also happening.

The actual platform/app is not really relevant outside of core functionality (chat, audio call, video call, attachments), the main motivational factors seem to be: - private: yes to inside jokes, no to unknown people - real: yes to random, realistic, sometimes ugly stuff; no to the empty and fake nature of social media as we know it - dynamic: spontaneous calls, random pictures about things we see, hear, experience - prefer actual reality more than virtual reality: groupchats work more like an augmentation than a replacement of real-life communication and gatherings

Bruno is a FOSS alternative, it is an Electron app, but widely used already: https://www.usebruno.com/downloads

What I like about it that requests are defined in a simple markup language called "Bru" and stores as simple text files, you can easily throw them around.

I just started using this recently, I love it!


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