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The new Sony 1 V will cost 1.4kEUR, not much less. Phones in general got expansive. (The Samsung Fold 4 is at 1.3 to 1.2kEUR)

I had a similar issue here in europa, where a travel agency used my photos from flickr in their catalogues.

Killed my desire to take pictures for a while and also to post them.

I got my desire to take pictures slowly back, but I still don't post anything worth while online or even share it with friends or family if I can avoid it, in fears that it somehow gets put on facebook or similiar and from there used for someone else to make money off.

basicly any fiio will do. But often a good dongle will be enough if you only got basic in ears. The amps are helpful for headphones with higher impedance rating and therefore need more oomph on the line to make them move.

Check out neutron?

I suppose you’re referring to the Neutron Music Player app?

I never heard of it and though it was a hardware player competing with the Walkman, but it’s another android music player from the look of it. I still checked the app page in case they went for completely different playing controls to compensate for the physical buttons and playing widget, but it seems it mainly focuses on EQ tweaking and “high fidelity” playback.

I’m all for alternative players on the market, so more power to them. But I’m probably not their target audience.

The way you can't understand that, is the same way I can't understand why people would listen to Spotify.

If you allow me to recommend something to that:

Add a line about what are you thankful for. Doesn't need to be something grand or phylosophical, something banal like "I'm thankful for for the paved road that connects to my house." works best IMHO. It vastly improves with the average mood in my experience. [1]

[1]: https://namica.org/blog/the-impact-of-gratitude-on-mental-he...

I don't remember a tipless one and I think I've seen them all. There is also a subreddit to post and comment other peoples designs.

briar has the potential to become it, but sadly it doesn't has the popularity or the reach yet.

I don't see how that is a property of a software. If it isn't in the repos of a distro, it is a property of the distro.

As you got systemd and non systemd distros, Debian is in this a distro w/o alacrity.

No, not being included in Debian reflects poorly on the software. It implies there's something "wrong" with it. Perhaps it's too new, or too arcane, or in some other fashion doesn't live up to the operating system's extremely high quality and security standards.

I don't think this would necessarily be true with other Linux based operating systems (perhaps RHEL), but certainly is true in this case.

and? If you want encryption you can add it yourself. GPG should work for example. And there was some apps that encrypt messages over whatsapp and co, there should work for SMS too.

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