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On the flip side, putting a ticket on the backlog knowing it will never be high enough priority to be done is an effective way to manage people's feelings without outright nopeing their idea.

The best products tend to have PMs willing to say No the most, though.

Then you would love https://theuselessweb.com/

I made a tool to generate command line clients from OpenAPI definitions out of pure frustration from trying to stitch together incantations of curl commands to work with APIs.

I haven't revisited it in a while, and the docs could probably do with some love, but I use it every day.

[1] https://github.com/bcoughlan/openapi-commander

This is super cool. Many startups are offering OpenAPI -> SDK, but I've never seen anything that generates a command-line tool.

The solution at my workplace is a bot that opens PRs to bump dependencies and automatically merges if the tests pass.

It's taken a lot of workload off devs to meet security targets. But I worry it makes supply-chain attacks more attractive. If an attacker can compromise a package and it's instantly merged into the codebases of thousands of different companies that's a huge danger.

I've been building Packj [1] to detect dummy, malicious, abandoned, typo-squatting, and other "risky" PyPI/NPM/Ruby/PHP/Maven/Rust packages. It carries out static/dynamic/metadata analysis and scans for 40+ attributes such as num funcs/files, spawning of shell, use of SSH keys, network communication, use of decode+eval, etc. to flag risky packages. Packj Github action [2] can alert if a risky dependency is pulled into your build.

1. https://github.com/ossillate-inc/packj 2. https://github.com/ossillate-inc/packj-github-action

This was always my interpretation of "Flat is better than nested." from "The Zen of Python".

I often run into conflict with developers who believe in the single return statement. This is flatter but irks a lot of devs:

if (!condition) {


more code


Starting with a monolith is nearly always great advice. However, monoliths tend towards spaghetti because it's too easy essentially to draw new lines on the architecture diagram by importing from anywhere.

To scale a monolith codebase without devolving into spaghetti you need to have a well defined layered structure for modules. The other aspect is being able to hide internal code to prevent it being imported by other modules.

I did a write-up a while ago about how we do this on my current project [1], and published the Maven enforcer rule and ArchUnit test example as an open source project [2].

[1] https://bcoughlan.github.io/posts/modulithic-architecture/ [2] https://github.com/bcoughlan/base-package-enforcer-rule/ https://github.com/bcoughlan/base-package-enforcer-rule/blob...

I wish language designers would spend more time on designing higher abstractions, like modules, rather than only low level stuff like borrow checkers and async.

ML-style modules are pretty great. Did you have something more powerful in mind?

Strength training is so good for desk jobbers! I recommend joining some small group circuit training or CrossFit groups, where the trainers will show you how to lift correctly and safely.

I stopped adding salt in my cooking when I had to cook for a young baby. Pleasantly surprised to find I didn't miss it much, and pretty soon my tastebuds reset and when I eat out everything tastes wayyy too salty.

Same here.

A can of peas already has half the required daily intake and in terms of salt content it's on the low side.

I also crave meat much less now - apparently it was about the salt all this time.

I used to follow topics to try to answer questions. It's a great way to learn a topic in depth. But I find that the bulk of questions about {topic} have already been asked, and the stream of questions are like "How do I get {topic} to work with {other niche tool}?". The Venn diagram of people who know both topics is way smaller. If you want an answer, narrowing the question to a single topic really helps.

But I have asked a few questions, and the quality of answers have really declined, mainly because people are rushing to answer and not reading the question. They could address this by delaying voting on answers.

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