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Thank you for commenting this. I can imagine this being supremely useful, especially if you decide to go ahead and read a book and it tells you much more than you would've guessed :) (either the titles/index are bad, or the content is good)

I was fairly interested until the last few paragraphs where it rapidly transformed into a warning about evil tech multi billionaires, their companies and parents exploitation of children online. Not that that isn't worth discussing, but I was interested in hearing more about her experience in the study as per the article title.

Honestly for me, I almost take comfort in this thought. Everything is temporary. Enjoy it as you can. Nothing will matter soon - so who cares if you make mistakes, nobody can possibly judge you. There is no objective other than what you decide to aim for, so just go and live life :)

Consider the alternative possibility that everything is permanent, in a sense. Every habitual response, your actions, dialogues and relationships ... everything... is etched in a type of eternal hologram which you will live throughout eternity. Not unlike the experience of dreaming.

This is and was a common conclusion of mystics the world over, clothed in different words.

I went through a similar existential conclusion and tried to impart the sentiment to some of my friends. Reactions ranged from mixed to negative. Some people exist and thrive in structure. It made me a little sad. It takes a certain optimistic mindset to carry this idea forward, otherwise it seems entirely nihilistic.

Me too, I used the wecroak app to send me reminders throughout the day that I am going to die.

It helps bring me back to the present moment.

Just installed wecroak because of you. Thanks.

No problem, I really like it, it's a very simple app.

I rarely actually open it to see the quotes.

I recently gave in and got a fitness tracker, most apps I blacklist for notifications, but it's nice to whitelist this so that throughout the day my watch reminds me I'm going to die :)

I'm sure it's a great conversation starter!

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