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Marques Brownlee recently published a video about the Humane AI Pin (device) [1] and I noticed this book in some of the device shots, found it curious and had (incorrectly it seems) assumed it was some kind of internal Google swag.

Well played Mr. da Maia :)

1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TitZV6k8zfA&t=867s

Yes! Good catch, it also shows very clearly in minute 3:51 [0]. Thank you so much for your support!

[0] - https://youtu.be/TitZV6k8zfA?si=1BmlLAP-5fCq0yW2&t=231

My father owned a rural feed store until I was 6 or 7 years old (the early 80's.)

Other than incubators full of chicks and ducklings, and bottle feeding young livestock fresh from auction - swiping cow magnets off the shelf to play with was a favorite pass-time. :)

In those days I can't imagine anyone really cared what happened to the magnets after they went into the cow.

Perhaps something happens in the slaughter house to clear out whatever has gotten into the gut and stomachs - for the sake of meat grinding machinery?

I think tripe is the only use an industrial abattoir would have for the stomach and that's likely to be handled by a human. My guess is that they have a bucket or something that they put foreign material into.

Hmmm, but I wasn't thinking of pet food: that would probably be ground.

I mean, you don't want the magnets, or any nails or what not they've picked up, to go into any separated products. And separating them from the guts shouldn't be too hard -- they'd be attracted to metal, after all. The question would be how rapidly they degrade.

Hi! I'm the VP, Eng at mmhmm and I would love to hear more about your experience with us. :)

I like your app quite a lot. No issues with your app. I think Zoom degrades the resolution. In any case, the last time I tried it that way was last summer. If there are any major developments since then, I would love to know.

This bit of context is a bit more robust than most you offer @dang - do you have some tool?


Feature Request: I'd love to see the ratio of successful points to number of times the ball traverses the circle. I think others have already said things about scoring mechanisms for faster taps, I wonder if there could be one around a sweet spot on the line (earlier is better? Later?!)

Well done, you've made me late for a meeting!

Would love to hear your thoughts on pipenv as a real-world user of python environments. I leave it on the table that your current solution just works and you have never considered pipenv. ( I am not associated with pipenv. I've seemingly organically gravitated to it lately. )

my hot take: poetry won, and PEP517/518 build systems are going to be the way forward. Poetry might not last forever, but I think`pyproject.toml` has legs.

Pipenv was a valiant effort that moved the field along heaps, but I haven't used it in my daily life for two years.



Last I checked, pipenv doesn't work without an internet connection. That's a requirement, and design mentality, that doesn't work for me.

Won't/can't fix issues:



Valid point, I hadn’t considered it. Thank you!

Yep, this one is Mr. Frisby. The rest were rats.

If you download it from the wrong mirror..

Seconding this!

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