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> I was aware that Google domains would move to Squarespace, and migrated my domains to Cloudflare.

OK cool

> But now my domains linked to a Google Workspace are being migrated and the billing goes through Squarespace as well. I assume I cannot move Google Workspace billing to Cloudflare?

What? Do I get it right if you're asking if you can keep your Google Workspace but give the money to Cloudflare instead of Google...? (No, Cloudflare is not a financial services company last I checked)

And what does this have to do with migrating your domains..? (After migrating domains you can just delete your Google Workspace if you don't need it anymore = no Google billing consideration)

Seems your post is missing some detail or I'm misreading

My whole life is in documents in that Google Workspace

I once accidentally deleted a GSuite 5 years ago and all documents were gone and non recoverable. I’m very careful now when playing with this subscription.

For any crucial data, you do want backups, outside of Google. It could become accessible or removed due to other factors outside of your control.

You forgot this one, might be more common than you think:

    - Visa status

Go away

It's an issue of supply-chains and gap in the market. I can't buy a generally competitive Linux Mint (or anything similar) device in a shop anywhere in my country as far as I know. Whereas existing vocal demand are generally tinkerer types who often want the opposite of what we actually need. So I can see why it's a difficult market to bootstrap. Meanwhile, incumbent hardware vendors have competence and interest elsewhere and are probably getting decent incentives from Microsoft...

Valve's been bringing eberyone forward. I wish System76 et al to keep on their optimistic trajectory, for what that's worth. And Framework would be in a great position to spin out a dist or just offer a community install (fingers crossed Manjaro don't get them loljk).

A variation of this is exposed brilliantly in the South Park episode "You call the handyman". Gave me some solace.

I used to care about Spotify's innovation but they still haven't made anything close to as interesting as the APIs and dev platforms they used to promote and then killed. Also Echonest.

Somehow the base functionality has been stuck in a one-step-forward-one-step-back loop for the past 5 years or so.

Feedback: the site does not load at all without JavaScript enabled. I think your target audience might be the kind who find this notable friction.

My mobile device is text-only so this kind of site won't do for daily browsing.

I don't know anyone in my field who disables javascript, sorry

Then you're in a very small bubble in an already very niche field.

(I happen who know some of the authors of the OPs on your site who do)

You think I’m in a small bubble of people who don’t disable js in their browsers? Come on it’s 2024

> What are alternatives to containers that provide similar capabilities?

VMs on one hand, tools like Guix and Nix on the other.

> More philosophically, are containers a necessary component needed to run software at scale (such as replication and partitioning)?

No. They're one tool in the box among others. They're common for reasons, though.

> Or are they the result of the accidental complexity the modern OS has?

What does this even mean?

Should also have named chroots and jails I guess, always neglected..

I guess just like Scottish law is adapted to Scottish environment, similar adjustments can be made were applicable. No one suggested porting Scottish code verbatim to Alaska.

Also, it's not like long hikes with camping along the way are unheard of.

You can get very close to the Xmonad experience with Qtile. It's the most flexible tiling WM in terms of tiling modes, I believe.

Python config and runs under either X11 or Wayland.


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