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Every ICE car I've ever driven did exactly that with the 'reserve' where the needle is already at (or below) the zero line but you still get about 50 km of range.

I've been wondering about that with the cars with digital displays, particularly the ones that report your estimated remaining miles.

I once, embarrassingly, found myself on the highway with an empty tank of gas and 20 miles to the next gas station. I watched the estimated miles remaining indicator tick down mile after mile, ticking precisely my passage. At 3 miles estimated remaining, I pulled over because there was a very wide safe shoulder, and I didn't want to putter out in a less-safe spot.

I don't want to try the experiment of letting it tick down to zero and seeing if I still have 10 miles or so left.

Yup, exactly that.

I think the use cases for field-swapping a (part of the) battery pack are the same as for carrying extra fuel canisters with you, which I can only speculate about, because I've never been in such situation with an ICE car.

I had an experience that drove the second point home for me.

We were doing a white water kayak course. At this school it was tradition at the end of each day to paint one of our fingernails for each time you capsized. First day, our group was kind of smug about the fact that we only got maybe one or so each, while another group had basically both hands painted already. So we said something to that effect to our trainer, and he just says 'Yeah, because they are trying way harder to push their limits.'.

He was right of course, and the next day we took way more risks as well. Made the whole thing even more fun, and it was definitely a good lesson.

I'm unsure if it even applies in your case, but there is the risk of inadvertently creating botulism when storing garling in oil [1]. Since you are refigerating and adding acid, I'd expect it's probably not an issue.

[1] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1404905/

This is more about the preservation method than the contents. The botulism bacteria clostridium botulinumis is anaerobic, so it spreads most frequently in very low oxygen environments, like canning.

A squeeze bottle is unlikely to provide that environment in the medium term. It will likely have too much oxygen exposure.

Tetanus is another example of anaerobic bacteria that's unlikely to occur unless you encounter a low oxygen environment (like a rusty nail underground). A cut or puncture from something exposed to open air is very unlikely to give you tetanus.

Well, there were reports a few years ago of people dying from homemade garlic oil. No canning needed, the oil is an anaerobic environment. You just put garlic in oil and let it sit in the fridge for a week and you have a lethal poison.

That's true there are other ways to create an anaerobic environment, but the article in the parent comment specifically says the garlic oil was canned.

>the article in the parent comment specifically says the garlic oil was canned

Yes, but you said a squeeze bottle "is unlikely to provide that environment" which is incorrect, as the anaerobic environment is created by the suspension in the oil, which separates the garlic from the air. Just because it wasn't specifically mentioned in the article doesn't mean you didn't put out information was incorrect and dangerous. Garlic in oil must be refrigerated and used within about 3-7 days. https://www.canr.msu.edu/news/stinking_facts_about_garlic#:~....



That's specifically why I said "medium term." Your example articles actually do not refute this, so you were either being disingenuous or you didn't read them very well. From the first:

"Unrefrigerated garlic-in-oil mixes can foster the growth of clostridium botulinum bacteria, which produces poisons that do not affect the taste or smell of the oil." Keyword 'unrefrigerated.'

From the second:

"when stored in the oil under ideal conditions, it can support the growth of botulism. Ideal conditions happen when improper home canning practices or improper preparation and storage of fresh herb and garlic-in-oil mixtures take place, according to a report from the University of California, Davis." Keywords 'improper preparation' and 'improper home canning practices.'

From your third article: "Garlic in oil should be made fresh and stored in the refrigerator at 40 °F or lower for no more than 7 days. Package in glass freezer jars or plastic freezer boxes, leaving ½-inch headspace. " Keywords 'no more than 7 days,' and '1/2 inch headspace' (this is for the oxygen).

The odds of getting botulism from keeping garlic in oil in the refrigerator in a non-airtight container for a few days is infinitesimally small.

Improper canning greatly increases the odds. Time greatly increases the odds. Nowhere did I suggest garlic in oil was safe in perpetuity.

Not contradicting you, but I feel you focus too much on defending yourself. This is just HN. The important thing is people know to be wary of keeping garlic oil (even in a squeeze bottle) for a week plus. The rest of the facts (or who's technically right) are relevant to very few readers.

Sure, but here are the facts:

1. Very few things should be kept in the refrigerator more than a few days due to risk of contamination. Garlic and oil is recommended no more than seven days

2. Under normal refrigeration, to it's fine to keep garlic and oil in a non airtight container, as supported by the above links

I didn't suggest any longer term storage and the idea that I'm espousing something dangerous is somewhat silly given those facts.

I actually disagree with #1. I've kept food for months without issue. Like, eggs can be good for about six months past the use-by date. Yogurt for one month past. I bake bread dough and let it rise in the fridge for up to 14 days (lends it a nice alcoholic flavor). C. botulinum is just an especially nefarious threat because it won't make the food smell bad: an invisible poison.

Well given I said "very few things" I can't see the disagreement.

For maths, the problem just sometimes lives in a deeper level of abstraction where you need to understand the problem anyway to make any meaningful changes to the code. So I don't think you'd really gain anything by renaming the kalman gain calculation from

K = dot(dot(H, dot(P, H.T)) + R, inv(S))


kalman_gain = dot(dot(measurement_function, dot(covariance_matrix, measurement_function.T) + measurement_noise_covariance, inv(system_uncertainty))

because if you don't know what any of these things are by reading up on the theory, the names (or I believe any others) aren't going to help you figure out how a kalman filter works.

Names won’t help you understand the fundamentals. It will help you follow the logic, given the fundamentals are understood.

For example I’m reading a PDF now where you have 6 variables involved - 2x2 matrix D which is decomposed to variables [g h], a set of points R, two points defining a parallelogram P and a vector v — where the definitions are a scattered (based on order introduction/definition to the pdf, since they’re used for other things as well).

I have to keep a LUT to follow any given formula because it’s just plain hard to keep track of anything.

And of course, the second I convert it to code, it all gets real names with arbitrary intermediaries and at least I can read it through in a single pass.

Names are there to remind you what the hell you’re talking about. Mathematics on the other hand always try to be as general as possible — your formulas don’t want to discuss anything specific; any object that fits the required properties will do, starting subject/context be damned.

I agree to some extent of course. If there really are meaningful concepts for intermediates or the whole formula, especially if you are applying it to a specific domain, you should name them.

(I also just looked up the equations and noticed the formula I gave was just completely wrong, so please don't implement a kalman filter like that.)

If you're interested in some fiction with this concept: In Neal Stephenson's 'Diamond Age' humans have mastered assembly of individual atoms in basically arbitrary ways. They use it (among other things) to create flying airships with an envelope made of diamond with a vacuum inside. Found it to be a fun read in general.

I've really enjoyed several of Stephenson's books, but 'Diamond Age' was one I couldn't get into. I need to give it another shot.

On the subject of Sci-Fi, there's also a vacuum airship featured in one of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan novels - 'Tarzan at the Earth's Core'. It is of course much less scientific than Stephenson's version though.

He really likes to drop readers in with minimal explanation into a world, he's gotten much better at it over time but Diamond Age is both one of his earlier works and one of his most esoteric worlds with the odd neo-Victorians etc.

That's always a fun blast from the tech hype past where nanotechnology was going to be pure magic with tiny machines capable of doing anything. That was an exciting possible future while it lasted, nanotechnology is doing neat stuff but it's nowhere close to the wild promises.

I too always thought the field of clatreonics (1) would be further along by now.

1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claytronics

Yeah we're starting to do that but the individual pieces are pretty large and I think we're much more level headed about how small they can be shrunk now.

There is a now a comment on that article where the ground observer identifies himself and gives a few more details, so looks like you're right.

> 1) I was giving Simon a heads up to look for a report out of DEN - if it was anything, I thought it was just something like a (big) compressor stall. That was why so many caveats were there - I wasn't sure at the time that the aircraft had had a problem. I didn't realize it was going to be widely reported until my mother texted me a couple of hours later asking if any of the plane parts came down close to me

> 2) Something I omitted that I should have put in: After I got home I imagined how many thumb-widths at arm's length it would take to occlude it (from memory), and plugged that into similar triangles and the length of a 737 (didn't realize it was a 777) to get an estimated altitude and got 2-4 thousand meters. I thought the cloud deck was only 2000 feet AGL or so, so I didn't believe the numbers. I did change "a couple" to "a few" though. Turns out it was ~8000 feet AGL. I should have believed more in the math!

In Germany at least, companies are not allowed to put the printer in 'busy' areas. Starting from a certain company size, a seperate room may even be required. I believe particulates are explicitly given as a reason for this.

I'm also not sure how this would be 'easy' to prevent, without adding a whole sealed enclosure around the printer.

At least they could provide a fume/dust extraction point, similar to those found on things like SMD reflow ovens.

Seems they are cherry-picking their cases somewhat. This graphic [1] shows a comparison of European countries with Germany pretty much in the middle.

[1] https://de.statista.com/infografik/16765/todesfaelle-auf-aut...

I can't read that one, but I did read a few newspaper articles on the topic and it sounds like there is a lot of debate around the issue. I can imagine its almost impossible to take into consideration all various factors like road conditions, and local cultural issues, and quality of cars and everything. I'd also like to know how much the spend building and maintaining the unrestricted stretches of road, I would imagine you don't want to hit a pothole at 180km/h

But my personal view is that sacrificing safety so people can get from A to B a little faster is not worth it, and perhaps it's not clear whether or not speed is a big factor, but why risk it? Whats the rush?

> But my personal view is that sacrificing safety so people can get from A to B a little faster is not worth it, and perhaps it's not clear whether or not speed is a big factor, but why risk it? Whats the rush?

It's not that simple that less speed equals more safety. Even the posted link shows no correlation.

Some people argue that speed in Germany is not risk, but a safety measure. German highways are already mostly overloaded with traffic. Decreasing the speed by introducing the artificial limits would effective make driving more dangerous because highways would be more crowded with drivers with less distance between, there would be more lane changing during driving, drivers will be more tired because of spending more time on the road. Also, driving at the uniform speed at the speed limit reduces awareness of the road conditions.

Another topic is that limit also works as a framing. On the road where limit is 120, everyone will tend to drive around 120, regardless of conditions. For the road without speed limit, people will generally drive 100 if that's optimal speed according to the current traffic conditions. And if it's safe to drive 180, why not?

Many Autobahnen here do have a speed limit. Or too much traffic to drive fast. Those that don't do not have potholes.

> I would imagine you don't want to hit a pothole at 180km/h

You would just kinda fly over it, unless it's huge. The faster you go, the less potholes are a problem. What's more dangerous is that braking distance is quadratic in velocity.

I just tried to search for my city on BeWelcome to check it out. When I search from the landing page, I get a CSRF token error. When I then try to search again from the search page, I get a 404 /search/map not found. It seems they still have some way to go..

3 days later it's still the same

There is (used to be?) an XKCD IRC channel with a bot that only lets you send messages that have never been uttered in the channel before.


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