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It would be a nice podcast, right?

Please just let there be one interesting thing that's not a podcast I am begging.

Some of post series on the blog have received audio versions and the author has appeared on a few podcast.

I was expecting to read something like: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_FDIV_bug

I’ve read about them after getting introduced to: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Żubrówka

I am of the firm belief that this drink, mixed with apple juice, should be marked as Unesco world heritage already.

I never tried that combination (I also drink very rarely), but it sounds interesting .. and I do like the bison grass vodka on its own.

Yeah, it is quite good ..

Apple Pie Vodka is the best... so many hangovers!

There is almost every EurAsian animal in Chernobyl. Once humans fucked off, animals took over.

The real lesson is that humans don't need to fuck off for this to happen, we just need to stop intervening so much in nature. People honestly can't seem to handle sitting idle, we run around doing as much stuff as we can because we don't know what "enough" means.

This happened very quickly during the early panny-D as well

There is also the beer https://zubr.cz/cs

And probably unrelated polish beer zubr.pl

> captain could be pass out drunk and still dock the 70 footer without issue Brings up memories… This was same with my father, he stopped drinking later but when I was a teenager and stuck somewhere after midnight I would call home and he would say “sure buddy” and come pick me up. On the way back his eyes were almost closed and sometimes we would joke about how the car knows about the roads and can go way back home itself. He is too old now and actually has a 12 meter boat which can’t dock himself alone.

> Obviously I think differently.


> EU jurisdiction ends at EU borders They still charge me EU prices outside though.

It’s malicious because they’ve done more work than necessary to put limitations on the user.

They already know what region an account is in. If they just said “Ok, EU account, turn on the flags” that would be less engineering effort. Even if they increased verification of things like where you actually are relative your account at signup. But this is them engineering this solution to make sure the secret sauce doesn’t leak out of the EU. Everyone knows it’s malicious because it’s easy to intuitively grasp that they’ve gone through all this extra effort to make absolutely sure everyone outside of the EU has a worse experience no matter what

on the other hand.. apple is against third-party stores..

they do not want then, so they will only make then available were they are forced to..

only place they are forced to is EU, so they made sure the third-party stores only work on the places that they are required by law..

if apple had any say in this there would be no third-party stores anywhere..]

this is completely the opposite of other geo-fenced functions that apple want tom make available but cant because some reason or another, usually local laws.

like the ECG on the apple watch.. they did not had it available everywhere, but if you enabled the function in a country that allowed it to be enabled you could keep using in other countries that did not had it available yet because the law in those countries did not forced then to disable it. but there were countries where you could not enable it even if your watch supported.

same thing here but the other way around.. apple will enable third-party store only where they have to and disable everywhere else.. they could keep then enable when you leave but they do not want to, hell they do not want third-party stores at all even in EU, they only have it there because EU law forced then to have it..

> less engineering effort

Yep, I think this is a pretty clear-cut case of a "fuck you", they should be punished accordingly. By the EU inside the EU of course. Or just disallow this outright, which would require an Apple-specific law and all of the resources that brings in though, jeez.

Why are you serious about that?

People casually doing things that feel slightly evil is... disconcerting.

Not going to judge anyone, but also nothing to be happy about.

There is a point where you learn that everything is some sort of moral compromise. There is always going to be someone ahead of you and someone behind, it means someone is always going to get left out.

No system changes that, or makes it better, just different.

No system indeed, only your own choices.

Just enjoy your time here, plant a tree if that would make you happier. Don’t dig your self into an hole and loose sight of brighter things. / a parent

It was a RAD platform though. From following your links:

> Low-code development platforms trace their roots back to fourth-generation programming language and the rapid application development tools of the 1990s and early 2000s.

> Delphi was originally developed by Borland as a rapid application development tool for Windows as the successor of Turbo Pascal.

It still is, and got a new release last month.

I wouldn’t know, I was like a Borland fan…

Came here to say 520 (;・∀・)

Heh. My first or second game, I just happened to get like 650 points. And then spent the next 20 minutes trying to figure out what the hell I had done. Turns out you can sometimes get into a rhythm where you don't even have to turn for a while and score a lot of points.

OP's score is just ludicrous.

Is the upside down A supposed to be a bird's beak?

If you’re on iOS, add the Japanese keyboard and hit the lower left most key, then expand autocorrect to get a big array of such emoticons.

Sweat smile it is supposed to be…

it's a smile

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