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JWTs are best practice for OAuth as it can transport claims. It’s up to your application if you continue to use it after the initial flow. You are fine to convert it, but most apps don’t as it’s easier.

Is there some information on why they need to store this much data for immediate retrieval? And why is it so much?

I use Strongbox and store my Passkeys in a Keepass File. Vendor agnostic, private syncable and locked by my passphrase. I like them and wish more services would implement them properly.

Can you also see if every job position was filled in the end?

Kinda sounds like OPA (Open Policy Agent) [1], but a different implementation.

[1] https://www.openpolicyagent.org/docs/latest/

Yeah, I blame those employers too. Last year I was job hunting and got declined a position as I only have 10 years of experience with JavaEE, but no job experience with Spring Boot (only a few hobby projects). That’s how narrow minded these guys are.

I have a customer that is not allowed to run Postgres natively or docker at all (bc of security). They could use this, I guess.

Wow, ok thanks that makes sense — I never thought of an environment like that.

So after firewalls, the next logical step is Anti-virus, isn’t it?

Personally I often go to Amazon to find things, google the author and check on the HP on how to buy the book with the least amount of "tax" for the author. Added benefit: you get formats outside of walled gardens!

Dubious about the value of these conceits, it may be imperfect, though autobiographies are not popular.

Thanks for all your links! I haven't decided on what to next :D

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