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I haven’t read the book, but in TFA it’s described as a “lavishly visual book” so I’m not sure it would translate well to audio.

No clue what would give you that idea.


Bracing myself for the next generation of self-important monochrome tech ‘zines coming out of Spain

I wish, but most IT manuals everywhere are in English. But this is IT/CS, so using English at least to being able to read technical articles it's mandatory. Nothing too difficult, as my non-tech SO (native Spanish speaker) had read novels written in British English and to me that prosody and style it's hell compared to either an Stephen King or a Preston&Child one.

I'm still upset that Markdown ended up getting all the mindshare. AsciiDoc is so much nicer.

I'm happy that something at all got all the mindshare. Otherwise we'd still each be using something different.

Markdown is perfectly usable.

AsciiDoc is much nicer, but has the unfortunate flaw of having basically one implementation and it's in Ruby (the JS one is just transpiled, the Java one runs on JRuby, not sure about Go and Haskell).

They don't even have a Python library, which basically guarantees that AsciiDoc won't be taught in colleges.

I like AsciiDoc, but not nearly enough to mess around with installing Ruby and Gems and then having to do the same for anyone else at work that needs to build the docs for whatever reason.

Ruby is basically a non-starter for me in general. Dependency management and interpreter versioning is a pain in the ass for interpreted languages, so I'd rather have as few as possible on my system. I've already got Perl and Python installed by default, I'd rather not add a third.

Looks like they’re making progress on that since the Eclipse Foundation took over AsciiDoc. There are now Golang and Haskell processors


Ooh, that’s exciting news. I would love to use acidic, I’ve just been waiting for them to give me a reason.

It’s a long shot, but if GitHub/GitLab added render support for AsciiDoc my life would be complete.

Regardless, it’s impressive and awesome progress.

I'm still upset that Markdown ended up getting all the mindshare and doesn’t evolve. All the fragmentation through different markdown flavors doesn’t help.

Evolution in the biological world usually looks a lot like fragmentation, at least in the short term.

You are right. It would be interesting to compare evolution from a computer scientific and biological point of view. To find out if they are similar…

I believe that natural evolution makes it easier to let the bad branches die out.

We need a specification for the forced extinction of markup languages that fail to gain traction.

The original core markdown being privately owned and frozen doomed it to having a politically funny future.

Wow. Phrasing!

> Life is inherently suffering and has no meaning.

I'd hate to hear your winter perspective :)

I'd think with a username like that you'd be in agreement. Certainly I've not found any other truth about life.

The suffering depends on how lucky you are though; if you are well off (inherited or self made) and/or born in the right country you have the dope to not have the suffering. Eventually the dope to end it, whenever that may be. Meaningless cannot be helped; the universe is dark and vast and nothing ‘cares’ on any larger scale than your immediate family/friends, and even they lose interest, if they really had any to begin with.

I’m not sure about that. I think our baseline for suffering just shifts. So you can shield a person in a bubble of happiness, still some minor inconvenience might cause that person to break down if they’re not used to experiencing it.

The same way, people who have suffered a lot in the past might be now more happy than you are, maybe you’re objectively better but you might not perceive it that way, which is what matters in the end.

The Buddha was a prince.

Huh, interesting. Kind of a real-life Flowers for Algernon scenario.

I adored the books and I think the Netflix series is pretty good so far (it’s not finished).

You know damn well that people often use "internet" and "web" interchangeably.

I know, but it's important in this context.

"Browsers are for browsing internet. So many of them are now turning into bloatware."

This person is implying internet as only the web, when the reality is, suites would access more than just the web. To suggest they are "for browsing [web]" only is 100% wrong, and history shows them.

So, normally your comment would be appropriate, but it ignores context and the discussion at hand. Context is important, and you shouldn't ignore it.

Exactly. You can claim to be the "first" at something very easily this way. Check out my browser, we're the first with an integrated flight simulator!

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