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If you remove borders, you also have to remove social safety nets and other things which make rich countries better to live in than poor ones.

There's no inherent truth of the universe that requires countries to have such disparate wealth that some are so much better to live in. I bet most people arguing for removing borders would also argue there should be much better global equality.

Sounds exactly like the labour market in Finland. The shortage is there, but only for jobs that either don't pay livable wage (or have junior-level pay to seniors), have horrible working conditions, or both. Doctors are the only exception, they have good pay and decent working conditions, and the shortage is caused by successful lobbying to keep university intake low.

I highly recommend this lecture by Finnish army intelligence expert to those looking to understand the deeper roots behind Russia's actions. Lecture in Finnish, but it has English subtitles. Truly wakening stuff, it really helps you to understand the situation much better.


What do you recon are the key points for people who don't have 1h to watch with subtitles. Specifically related to the nuclear power plant news from today.

The key points of this terrible demagoguery, from what I could tell:

1) Russians have been conquered a lot and are very insecure

2) They're part Mongols and inherited fear and lies as state of being

3) Russians only respect strong Tsar and let the Tsar do whatever he wants as he appears strong and manufactures the fear through the lies

4) Russians are stupid and not capable of creating anything, only destruction. They stole anything technologically worthwhile.

5) Russia is a terrible autocratic imperialist country that is completely geopolitically irrational.

Any person taking this video at face value should conclude that Russia should be suppressed and destroyed, that would be a great service to the human kind. Yes, everything makes sense now.

Putin is no better than Hitler and nothing the Russian government says can be trusted. They only respect force, nothing else.

I’m sorry, but that’s a bizarre remark. Hitler can be held accountable for millions of deaths, in all kinds of inhuman ways. Putin is nowhere near that and I cannot see that happen either.

Putin is looking to expand his country's borders quite similarly to Hitler, regardless of economic or human costs. It's up to rest of the world to show him the only thing he respects, which is power.

So many rulers tried to extend their domain. Why not compare Putin to Nebuchadnezar or Queen Anne?

Didn't we only find out the truth about Hitler's millions after his death?

I don't understand why anyone would read Twitter regularly. The short limit in messages makes any intelligent discussion difficult, so nearly all tweets are either links elsewhere or nonsense. Either way, Twitter is by far the easiest of all social media giants to avoid.

Modern "wokeness" and so called social justice is just another way of tricking ordinary people away from the one issue that matters - wealth distribution. It's much better for the 1% to have wage slaves fighting each other about things like race, gender and culture.

Modern political left in Western world is a disgrace to everything that socialism originally stood for.

Yes. The fact this craziness is actually encouraged by Finnish state media as something normal nowadays is seriously starting to destroy my will to live in this country. Idiots are copying everything that's wrong with America here.

Time to switch to Linux. Apparently these days even gaming works pretty well.

We're still decades from a potential global agricultural collapse caused by climate change, there's plenty of time to study effects of GMO crops on environment and human health.

Decades is a short time on a planetary scale, at risk of sounding alarmist I really do believe we should be hoping for the best but preparing for the worst when it comes to climate change. If there was ever a time for action it was fifty years ago, but now is better than further delay.

Based on my observations the vast majority of "men" talking down girls in video games are teenager boys, most of whom eventually grow up and stop doing that. Admittedly some never grow up, perhaps they're more likely to be heavy gamers and even become game devs?

Anyway, I think any spaces dominated by teenagers will always be pretty toxic places, no matter if we're talking about schools or gaming servers. I have no idea what could be done about it, other than proper supervision by staff or server moderators.

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