Division has no side effects, and division by 0 is UB. UBs only occur in invalid programs, so behaviour in case of UB is not relevant to a discussion of side effects or their lack thereof, in language terms these are not programs at all.
Every phone is already being being tracked and logged. What youre really saying is that people often tolerate some tracking if done by CIA/phone company/Apple/Google/FB. We're just playing with semantics here. Tracking is either acceptable or not. The only real solution is to go off-grid.
It's reasonable for a person to have a threat model that's more concerned about their violent narcissist ex attaching an AirTag to their car than about the CIA.
If the FBI wants to obliterate me, they can get a warrant and send goons to my house. The costs of preparing for that threat model are excessive, so I don't.
If some scumbag ad company wants to track me, they can eat shit on my adblocker and not track me. The cost of preparing for that threat model is trivial, so I do.
CIA/phone company/Apple/Google/FB/some rando are all different, independent, situations; as a reasonable adult I have decided that some of them are acceptable, some of them are not.
They have ARN's which include the account which a glob match is useful. Something like "arn:aws:*:*:1234567890:*" is useful but "arn:aws:*:*:1234567*:*" isn't