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> So how can AI usefully suggest design-level and conceptual ideas in a way that doesn’t require a user “trigger”?

I'm just guessing here. But maybe make it part of some other (already natural and learned) trigger made by the user.

I'm thinking part of refactoring. Were your AI is not only looking at the code, but the LSP, recent git changes (both commit and branch name), which code files you've been browsing.

And if you want to make it even more powerful. I guess also part of your browser history will be relevant (even if there is privacy concerns)

The human body is so wild with things like this.

What happened to your toe? Did you loose the capability to move it individually from the others?

No, turns out there are enough other muscles/tendons pulling on it I haven't really missed it, there's nothing obvious I can't do with it - I suspect the ones that pull it down are more important than the ones that pull it up

It's never too late. It took me almost 18years of going back and forth until I did it.

For sure!

But idea behind these AI tutors are to help and guide you through the process of asking questions until you understands.

Will it be perfect? hell no! Just another tool for teachers to either enhance and/or give extra help with almost no extra resources.

Hopefully this will pan out for the better then the worse

Where is the opportunity, there is a crime.

The most of the students will not use it for improving their own text or iteration process, unless the penalties for cheating are very high. They instead copy-paste the instructions, add some adjustments, and then copy-paste the output. This will give them results in the shortest amount of time, if there are assignments where something needs to be returned. But how to detect cheaters?

Too many students do tasks as in "completion" oriented way, not in learning oriented way. I am mostly talking from college/university perspective.

> pan out for the better then the worse

While I'm sure this is a typo, I also expect this is exactly how it will play out. For the better initially, then, for the worse a short time later.

Had similar issues as well. I use a Nordic layout for my keyboard (which includes åäö). These extra characters were a pain to bind certain key combinations to.

Been using preview versions of Aspire for a while now. At early stages there were a lot of bugs, but since preview 3 (or if it was 4) it's been pretty stable.

Adding services has also been really nice. I've even found my self not writing docker-compose files anymore.

Kind of hyped what upcoming versions of it will offer.

Be aware tho, be careful to use .Net 9 version of the packages as of now. They can be a bit iffy if you mix .net 8 packages with 9. It will probably be fixed very soon tho

> it doesn't take much browsing in categories such as tattoo design to spot the hallmarks of AI generated artwork

Which is kind of interesting. My first tattoo has its roots from it. Where I used ChatGPT together with DALL-e to express the concept I wanted on my body, and not a direct translation of it.

Worked out pretty well, got a lot easier to discuss how and what things would work and how to apply them.

I usually recommend new users to check out Kickstart. It contains a set of plugins and nice to haves so you don't have to discover them your self.

All plugins are in one file + has a lot of comments to help you get started.

ref: https://github.com/nvim-lua/kickstart.nvim

Yep, I followed this recommendation, but when I was about to use Neovim in "production" I checked out LazyVim and AstroNVim and chose LazyVim by purely personal taste. Thanks to having learned how the config works with kickstart I don't feel lost, but still benefit from the big efforts and deep knowledge of the distro maintainers by assembling a sound full featured package.

I second Kickstart! The single-file and comments make it easy to learn and configure yourself.

I think vittualization would be enough. Especially if it works well with an external monitor.

I need to be able to debug apps on physical devices from the iPad. And it needs to be wired connection because debugging over wifi even on my Mac is very bad (lots of complaints online about it too).

I think so too. Especially after the split from iOS to ipados. Hopefully they'll show something during this year's WWDC

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