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> My experience at big corporate is that (edit: unmanageable) tech debt is caused by undisciplined and unorganized scrum team.

Yeah, this is 100% correct. I comically left Riot after ~6 months for this exact reason. Obviously it's a large company with many different flavors of teams, and it sounds like this team maybe has gotten it together, but by in large most haven't.

While I was there I was working on some of their core games tooling and felt uneasy about my day-to-day. My teams tech debt was quite literally owning them. Constantly missing sprint scopes, spending countless hours arguing and debating about trivial stuff, it was all a mess. They ended up laying off a number of people from that team in a pretty shifty manner so maybe things have gotten better since then.

Yes, you should absolutely care.

What in the actual, 6.2 GHz!? The power draw must be insane.

Probably because they couldn't hire effectively?

Wouldn't C# be the most reasonable option if so? Maybe they did the math and the .NET ecosystem is much more expensive than Java? Even ignoring MS cost, most 3rd party libraries on .NET usually require a license.

What kind of libraries, given the tasks solved by Walmart, do you have in mind?

I dont know their needs, but last time I tried to do a computer-vision project on C#, all libraries in Nugets where shitty wrappers for cloud solutions or just paid libraries (last update to OpenCV is 7 years old).

Using bindings to C++ libraries is likely to yield better experience. C# has really good interop API (P/Invoke).

I don't have experience with machine vision but here's an example of a speech2text library that integrates whisper.cpp in an idiomatic way: https://github.com/sandrohanea/whisper.net

There are many good community projects with code quality way higher than your average enterprise SDK with layers upon layers of abstractions and allocations. Finding them is the same as with most other languages like Rust or TS.

Do they really? that seems difficult to navigate

This is brilliant. I'm a mid-level engineer with decent C/C++/Rust background. Have yet to find a team like this. I'm inspired by your story to keep searching!

This is awesome! I've become preconditioned to seeing slow buggy demos. This is snappy and a great representation of HTMX. Good work!

I'm working through this exact situation right now, I really appreciate this insight!

Can't add much more than what's already been said here but I'm glad to see more presence of this on the internet. Grew up in IL, this was largely unspoken + alcohol and drug abuse.

I nominate SDL2 and DPDK. Spent a lot of time combing through these code bases, found them to be excellent.

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