> It wasn’t their fault they picked the packaged, ultra-processed thing at the store.
It is their fault. But the recent development with anti-hunger molecules and their effect point to something many well wishing people don't want to hear: not everyone is the same regarding satiety.
It is easy to tell people "just eat less" when you are never really hungry yourself. It requires empathy to try and imagine a world where after eating a whole pizza instead of feeling ready to puke it back out your body is asking for MORE.
And not just this one day because you did not get a good breakfast in the morning. But every day. All day. "You just lack willpower". Yeah sure, like you demonstrate having any.
In a totally orthogonal subject, I used to have an untreated prolactinoma giving me 0 libido which may have started around my teenage years: I never understood why many people could not stop themselves from "thinking with their penis". Just "have some willpower, it's easy". Well let's just say 1 month after starting some treatment my view changed a lot. And it's not too hard to extend this kind of experience to other subjects regarding why people make bad decisions.
I wish we had a drug to give some of the "just put the fork down" people to let them experience being really hungry for like a couple month.
I really appreciate your empathy here. Nobody has the same biological factors nor the same hormones, so expecting everyone to have the same drive to consume a vice is just wrong. But at the same time, there is nuance here. Calorie restriction is hard work, sometimes there's not an easy way to do something and knuckling down is the only way to achieve it.
But I don't know where that balance is, between empathy and tough love, but it's definitely a spectrum. Me personally, I'd prefer to fall on the side of too much empathy.
On your orthogonal subject, I had post-SSRI libido side effects (still highly recommend SSRIs, I'd rather have a low libido and alive than the alternative), without symptoms of ED, which is really hard to treat in men. I had good luck finding a doctor willing to write me a script for PT-141, and it was fantastic for me.
> Calorie restriction is hard work, sometimes there's not an easy way to do something and knuckling down is the only way to achieve it.
Caloric restriction as the parent comment describes it is a strawman argument that people use to discredit diet advice.
Real dieting advice isn’t “eat 833 calories of pizza and then stop instead of eating the whole pizza”. Real diet advice involves picking better food choices first.
Pizza is a highly palatable, calorie dense food. If someone is feeling hungry after devouring an entire pizza, they need to stop eating pizza. They need more fiber, more filling foods, and foods that are less calorie dense. Even just picking foods that are slower to eat will make changes because our hunger and fullness signals aren’t instant. It takes some time for your body to process what you eat.
Counting calories does work if it’s done correctly, but modern dieting advice hasn’t been that reductive for decades.
Craving more and more sugar (carbs) constantly is not the same as being hungry. That's why you can never have enough of it even if your body has had more than enough food to sustain itself for a whole week. Hunger is a very straightforward physiological signal, not a psychological craving that stems from addiction. Anyone who's ever been addicted to anything would recognize that as food addiction, not "insatiable hunger". Once you start disciplining yourself with regards to diet, that's one of the very first things you automatically learn to discern. This realization usually comes to you very evidently, in a spontaneous manner.
I know you're joking but there is a study from the American Journal of Medicine concluding marijuana use was associated with lower levels of fasting insulin, HOMA-IR, and smaller waist circumference.
Beeing fat is the same like your experience. Beeing fat means you are ill but very few people treat it as an illness. What illness? Your gut stopped working. Because it doesn't absorb any vitamins and minerals you get these crazy cravings. Your brain is making you eat more to compensate. Of course, not more crap, but that it's your choice.
While societal structures and corporate practices shape behavior, you're right, individuals still retain agency. But progress lies in fostering environments that support healthy choices while encouraging self-reflection and responsibility. Dismissing either side of the equation undermines effective problem-solving. ie, food deserts are real
> How did you get diagnosed eventually? What all tests did you go thru first?
When entering the office of an endocrinologist for something unrelated they asked if I was there for some thing (which I guess was "prolactinoma") which was not the case; they still told me to get my prolactin levels checked because I had "the body for that". Their guess was right.
I was really lucky as usually it is diagnosed in men when they start losing peripheral vision or producing milk.
> It is easy to tell people "just eat less" when you are never really hungry yourself.
This is another strawman argument. Good meal planning and dieting advice starts with your grocery list and the contents of your refrigerator. It’s not “just eat less”, it’s “stop buying those foods you know are terrible and replace them with something else”
> It requires empathy to try and imagine a world where after eating a whole pizza
Again, this is setting up a strawman argument. There are more foods available to us than an entire pizza. You have to make a series of decisions that leads to buying a whole pizza. If you think that pizza is full of engineered, addictive chemicals and you also know that you’re going to be hungry after eating it, why is it what you choose to eat?
This is the problem I was trying to describe: It’s really convenient to blame addictive food chemicals and other external factors for everything, but in the process people are wiping away any sense of choice and accountability for their actions.
For what it’s worth, I am hungry virtually all of the time. It was a running joke with everyone since I was a kid. I learned early on that I need to modulate my diet at the source, otherwise my weight goes up before I know it. Changing my shopping list and planning where to eat before I’m hungry makes all the difference.
"You just lack willpower". Yeah sure, like you demonstrate having any.
My adult, reasonably fit weight was about 175 - 180. I got up to 215 back in 2018. I'm now back down to 185 and getting leaner. You know what I noticed? My hunger pangs were far stronger when I was fatter.
When people ask about losing weight, I say "make friends with hunger". I'm hungry for a significant portion of the day these days. For a few years there, I wasn't hungry because I was always proactively eating, and when hunger did hit, it was intense.
So, this "hungry for a significant portion of the day", in the context of software development. Are you just supposed to throw in the towel on getting anything done, or write blublang with an endless stream of boilerplate, or what? Like I certainly get the experience of doing straightforward physical tasks and putting off eating, but it seems like a non-starter when you actually need to like, concentrate thoughtfully.
If anything, my concentration and energy level are more consistent while hungry.
I wake up hungry, but I'm not in a rush to get to breakfast. I start feeling hunger again within a couple of hours after a meal, but I'm still at least a couple of hours from the next one. I often fall asleep slightly hungry.
Intermittent fasting might be a good idea if this sounds alien. At least you'll only feel misery for part of the day.
I read an article years ago about how the French eat at set times and don't snack between meals, and they don't accommodate snacking behavior in children. That's not to say the French are necessarily some ideal, but certainly Americans are always snacking, on top of everything that's been said about processed foods and ease of access to food. I recall always hearing about "starvation mode" and how you were somehow going to gain weight if you ever dared to let yourself become hungry, and I foolishly believed it.
Back in 2011 my team built a news website with adaptive delivery. It loaded a small html page with a javascript that checked the screen size and user agent, then based on whether the user was on a phone, a tablet or a desktop, downloaded and displayed the content crafted for that particular device. It then left a cookie to avoid the extra round-trip for returning visitors.
Nowadays people tend to adapt the design to devices with CSS frameworks and flexbox layout, but this does not always reduce traffic and CPU time for low-powered devices.
While our engineering feat was adorable and I praised the team for the achievement, this architecture did not last. The editorial team did not want to maintain essentially 3 different content layouts daily, the marketing team was not willing to compromise on ads on smaller screens.
> Once you find a venue, you're not really playing for the host city, you're playing for the cameras. Schedule the events based on when it's prime time in rich ad markets, not when it makes most sense for the sports, or even when it would maximize the exposure for the sports that most people ONLY see once every four years. Ooh, look, the Dream Team. Big whoop. They run 40 NBA games a year on local TV, show me judo or hammer-throwing or synchronized swimming. And despite all that, they seem to have no concern about the TV product they made such efforts to prostate themselves for. Does anyone at NBC get concerned that people intentionally look for VPNs to access the CBC and BBC streams because they've made such a mess of tape delays, schmaltzy human-interest stories, and laser-focusing on American athletes?
About this: streaming has been a thing for more than a decade now. Why can't anyone decide to pay some sum to have access to every camera stream available during an event. Maybe even have some special prices to access drone cameras. Then anyone can tailor their own Olympics experience (4k screen: let's show 4 camera angle of this match at the same time) or decide to follow some editor's choice.
And you could generalize it to most sports. Imagine a twitch of sports event where people pay for access to those feeds, or combination of feeds or the feeds + commentary some streamer also pays for. Add infinite replay.
One city: Athens. After the first year it suddenly becomes a lot less expensive to maintain the infrastructure. Especially if all participating nations are asked a sum depending on their GDP.
And all participants naked before the gods as it was done originally.
In spirit, it's a neat idea. In practice, it would mean that for much of Asia and the entirety of the Americas the events are never aired at an ideal time. Shifting the geography allows for the prime viewing experience to shift with it. That's part of what I love about Watanabe's idea: everyone always gets a prime viewing experience of at least some of the sports.
Is Greece really that bad of a compromise timezone? It's GMT+2, compared to GMT+8 for Beijing and GMT-5 for NYC/DC. It's pretty much just West Coast US and Australia who get really screwed, which is probably as good as you're going to get for a global event.
The whole of the Americas gets screwed at GMT+2. My point is there is no good compromise timezone at all, that's why I think hosting it in one city is a very bad one. The status quo is better than that.
But the status quo sucks too. I love the idea of having multiple cities hosting around the world at the same time.
Eh, not really -- Peru is also GMT-5, and Brazil is only GMT-3.
The Paris Olympics ran 9am-midnight, which puts it at 2am-5pm going from Athens to GMT-5. Sure, you've got a few hours in the morning which are too early, but that's still a lot of Olympics happening during daylight hours for most of the Americas.
"Happening during daylight hours" is fine, but if that's all it ever is for you then it diminishes the relevance over time because to most the events will be watching something that you already know the outcome of. Modern society is not built for the success of tape-delay sporting events.
I'm not saying it's not watchable, I am saying that makes it a wholly different event for everyone in the Americas. It's basically the UEFA Euro: good enough for enthusiasts, accessible enough to check-in on for most, not situated to garner large-scale attention (and thus, in the longer-term, interest).
The broadcast signals could in principle be recorded onto some manner of magnetic tape, then read back off that tape and rebroadcast a few hours later at whichever time is ideal for different parts of the world.
I know you're being a little cheeky, but if you think "tape delay" is some sort of solution to the problem I voiced then you're not really being serious. While NBC certainly improved their primetime experience this time around, it's not at all the same as actually watching the events live. This is doubly true since the results of many of those contests are widely publicized before their primetime airing.
> But AI? To me, AI means the replacement of the human internet with doppelgangers eroding the possibility of human connection.
Like Amazon killed the big book sellers giving back some space for small bookshops; I think LLM slop will hit the big social media space for smaller human focused community sites. Not saying forums are coming back, but something like those should be able to rise.
When implemented those scheme goal was to make sure people who could not work anymore would have a decent end of life.
The problem is the baby boomer generation transformed it to the point retirement was "when you started living your real life". People being retired perfectly healthy for more time than what they worked is not an exception for them.
And that generation managed to pile more shit on the next generations: regulations to make housing more expensive, requiring more education for every job meaning people start working later, outsourcing has much as possible. And not having replacement level children.
So now people have to pay a lot more for those privileged generations. Meaning they have less available money to get a stable situation, meaning even less children so the problem will go worse and worse. At least one generation will have to be sacrificed to have a chance for ones after them. Will the Millenials accept to be it, or will they pull a boomer?
My hypothesis is code completion is not a text completion problem. More of a graph completion one.
So we may have got to a local maximum regarding code helpers with LLMs and we'll have to wait for some breakthrough in the AI field before we get something better.
But these models don't work that well even for text when you gave them a huge context. They're reasonably good at summarization, but if you ask them to "continue the story" they will write very inconsistent things (eerily similar to what a sloppy human writer does, though.)
Wait, from reading the article it looks like the link they send to their users send them to a page with some javascript which automatically POST data for them. Which MS will correctly do: your "POST" is in fact a simple GET for most users with javascript on.
What you should do is send your user to a page with a form requiring a manual action from them.
This just highlights how the security scanning is just theater though. So bad actors can now just have their evil content behind a form, and users get accustomed to the double opt-in workflow anyway.
Yup, best thing would be to either have a form in your email / SMS or let's get crazy: implement POST links (and maybe DELETE ones too). Your client knows it will change things when followed (so security clients and prefetchers won't open it), the server receive a POST request, and it's a one click action for the user.
> But why is it wrong to use the style attribute? What makes using tailwind to do the same thing "not wrong"?
The time people were taught it was wrong is thr time when all your elements were rendered on the server and the style was duplicated for every component it applied to.
Client rendered JS only sends it over the wire once and then duplicates it on the client.
Tailwind only allows a few options, so it’s less likely you have slightly different styles everywhere.
I think the awful syntax you talk about is really nice, since it covers 99% of everything I ever need to do with it. The cascading part of CSS is really cool, but 99% of the time it’s confusing when I don’t need it.
Tailwind I use for hobby projects but we’re still sticking with style={{…}} at Notion. Since the app launched there’s been many generations of CSS-for-React (Airbnb Aphrodite era, styled-components/Emotion era, styled-jsx/linaria era, CSS modules era, Tailwind era) come up, get hype, and then thrown in the trash heap. Probably the best move for us would be an optimizing compiler for style={{…}} or our useStyles hook.
It is their fault. But the recent development with anti-hunger molecules and their effect point to something many well wishing people don't want to hear: not everyone is the same regarding satiety.
It is easy to tell people "just eat less" when you are never really hungry yourself. It requires empathy to try and imagine a world where after eating a whole pizza instead of feeling ready to puke it back out your body is asking for MORE. And not just this one day because you did not get a good breakfast in the morning. But every day. All day. "You just lack willpower". Yeah sure, like you demonstrate having any.
In a totally orthogonal subject, I used to have an untreated prolactinoma giving me 0 libido which may have started around my teenage years: I never understood why many people could not stop themselves from "thinking with their penis". Just "have some willpower, it's easy". Well let's just say 1 month after starting some treatment my view changed a lot. And it's not too hard to extend this kind of experience to other subjects regarding why people make bad decisions.
I wish we had a drug to give some of the "just put the fork down" people to let them experience being really hungry for like a couple month.