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I think I understood 7 words you just said mister

I think what he is saying is.

1. Your automated system should be as fast as possible.

2. Stick with known, basic fundamental strategies.

3. Try new ideas around how to give those same strategies more predictive power (signal).

#1 is straight technical execution.

#3 is constantly evolving.

Is how I understood this.

And as sort of an afterthought I guess the better you are at #1 the less good you need to be at #3 and the worse you are at #1 the better you need to be at #3?

Yeah righto

Oddly enough I find having apps (like Spotify) a turn off. I love my Kindle + it's extended battery life. Navigation is a bit of a pain in the ass, but otherwise I find it really great at just being a light-weight device for reading.

Looks beautiful though (and I found the website to be nice too!)

In Australia unskilled labourers are highly sought-after. It's physically demanding but you can do very well for yourself.

I think the realities of the workforce are wildly different to what we'd typically experience outside of the tech sector.

I don't believe them. There's no trust here. They need to earn it. I don't know how, but their continued call for safety around the very thing they're creating doesn't come off as playing safe, but creating cover for themselves when inevitably they break shit.

I do not trust them.

Also worth noting that ChatGPT, while big in tech circles, most people don't use it day to day.

Yo, EOFY in Australia is June 30, not end of August.

If you work for a company that pays a bonus over the financial year then that payout usually happens in August/September. This is probably what they are referring to.

Shit. Laughed at this.



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