This is an interesting concept, and I mean no offense, but is this just essentially a public journal/demo concept for a low data web page? I’m having a hard time imagining folks will spend any time saving/ intentionally re-visiting such a site, except for e.g. posting on here for curious folks to browse through.
We do have the unique ability for a very small number of decision makers (theoretically one, but in practice maybe a few more) to completely eradicate all life on earth, or at a minimum vast swaths of it, within minutes.
Nuclear weapons are uniquely unique. We manage to avoid self-extermination through having relatively cool heads in charge of these decisions, but that is a cultural norm, not a universal guarantee.
If you assume there any chance at all that someone willing to use these ever ends up in control of this capability, on a long enough timeline that is essentially guaranteed to happen.
Yeah I don’t believe for a second that we’re going to ever see a net decrease in AI energy use during our lifetimes at this point.
Besides, the point of discussing this isn’t that AI isn’t efficient enough, it’s that there is a clear path to it consuming absolutely massive amounts of energy, and that will continue to scale at an increasing rate indefinitely. This is a reality we need to expect and plan for. Substantial investments must be made - today - in renewable energy production and storage to meet new demand.
yeah i couldnt get it done in spark api had to combine spark and spark sql bc the window function i needed was (probably) not available in spark. it was inelegant i thought.
Taking in a nights and weekends side project when you’re already burned out in your day job is how you burn out even harder. I would absolutely not recommend this to someone struggling with burnout.
Thank you. I do feel emotionally drained at the end of the day. It is really hard to try and get in any work later. Also I always spend the evenings with my wife and kids till at least the kids go to bed which they did a little while ago :)
Possibly, but not necessarily. You burn out even harder if you do even more of the same kind of work that has burned you out already. The OP mentions: "if I have time, I might actually build something small", "I miss being a person who actually does stuff" and specifically "[directing] [is] work I don't want to do anymore". If, after work, you try doing completely different kind of work (within reason, of course), especially the kind that you've always liked, you might find some motivation and get reinvigorated. A hands-on side project might work the same way a work-unrelated hobby would.
Indeed, I would be very surprised if the concept of visiting a webpage is even a thing in 100 years. Perhaps in some archival sense, but I really do not think the average person will have any experiences accessing any variation of “” at all.
You cannot fight change, and you cannot fight your own impermanence. And so what if it does last 100 years, then what? Should it last 200? 1000? 1,000,000? Just be, and be happy. Live, laugh, love is wiser advice than you’d think.
I think it’s a fair question, but I don’t think it invalidates the validity of looking at this particular division and evaluating if it brings the company more value than it costs. It’s like when I cancel Netflix. Compared to my other spending it’s not a lot, and to be honest I won’t even notice the savings. But if the value isn’t there, why spend money on it?
Granted I’m not moralizing about the actual value or correctness of this decision, I know nothing about Mozilla’s inner workings or the work of this division in particular.