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There are a lot of jobs that are 24/7/365 without proper coverage from coworkers so people are always available and can’t turn off.

Other jobs won’t call you off shift but if you just had to deal with something traumatic like a car wreck it’s hard to leave that at work as well.

    > There are a lot of jobs that are 24/7/365 without proper coverage from coworkers so people are always available and can’t turn off.
This comment is oddly specific. It reads like you are writing from personal experience. Besides emergency medicine, what else qualifies?

It describes almost every role in the field of medicine.

I don't hear these complaints from nurses during HN discussions. Only doctors.

What did you use to do that?

It has a Photos app that runs on the NAS, and there's a free iPhone app that connects to it.

Canada is home to Canada’s 13 most polluted cities in terms of air quality!!

Btrfs seems to work perfectly well in synology NAS. It must be some other combination of options or functions in use from what is available in synology that garners the bad reputation

Synology uses BTRFS weirdly, on top of dmraid, which negates the most well-known BTRFS bugs in their RAID5/6 implementation*. Best I can tell they also have some custom modifications in their implementation as well, though it's hard to find much info on it.

* FWIW, I used native BTRFS RAID5 for years and never had an issue but that's just anecdata

I recall once google came on the scene I ditched altavista and never looked back. I was a teen but my recollection was that Google included the relevant paragraph of text from the page shown in in the search results whereas altavista showed one line that was often indecipherable gobbledygook - perhaps the page title matched a keyword - and it made it so much easier to scroll through ten results and identify the one that was the highest quality

Plus the no fast no clutter homepage for google compared to how many links can we fit in one screen for the portals

I switched to using Google as soon as I saw it in the late '90s, because of much more relevant hits ranked at/near top.

Maybe AltaVista improved after that, which could explain how the parent commenter could go back to it.

There was a brief window where AltaVista improved and I went back to it after being Google since 98. Probably only for a few months. I often preferred the query hints you could give it to get very specific output. No matter, they went out of business.

The turning point that brought me fulltime to Google from then on (until recently switching to Kagi) was when they started having almost live results. It's hard to remember or imagine but search indices were often days, weeks out of sync for critical things like news, etc and Google was really the first to fix that.

One study did identify heavy pesticide use due to concerns about Zika virus and measured changes in people’s brains before and after their trips to Cuba:


I’m still using redmine, it doesn’t look fancy but it works !

Perhaps software engineers looking for accountability would like the same level of liability that is enjoyed by their peers in civil, mechanical, mining, and electrical engineering?

> Perhaps software engineers looking for accountability would like the same level of liability that is enjoyed by their peers in civil, mechanical, mining, and electrical engineering?

If it comes with the ability to say NO, or DELAYED, without management song and dance, it will get traction.

Problem is software engineers are replaced with juniors/contractors that probably do not know any better and are only one part of a system that has failed in its entirety.

What sane person would willingly put up code that can kill others on purpose... so we're left with incompetence.

Accountability, if implemented, should be company wide.

Right now issues have passed design stage, implementation, qa... with this sort of failure you have management to blame for not putting up processes in place so its caught / hiring and keeping competent enough people.

This is sort of expected as they optimized cost to the detriment of everything else.

This is what any business does and what you would do with your own growing business that you one day will no longer own too. You need defined roles with responsibilities and required skills that you can hire people to fill as people come and go in their own lives. Sucks to be a cog but cogs we are

> what any business does

absolute statements are by definition False, since "any" business that does otherwise, even one, disproves the statement.

no need to invoke concepts of stability, social contract or law; maybe just add some ref to obsequiousness for lit value here

Thank you for the assistance, “a mature” business would have been more accurate than “any”

I think the parent is more correct than you are?

The frequency does not provide an indication of load. The frequency can be 60.00Hz with 20,000 MW load in Ontario or with 10,000MW.

Changes in frequency provide a measure of changes in the balance between generation and load.

The generator’s prime mover’s governor has a droop function set so that typically a 5% change in frequency will result in a 100% change in output. This is how most generators on the grid arrest changes in frequency, but they would not restore the frequency to 60Hz. The droop allows for a steady state frequency error.

A handful of special generators are used to restore the frequency to 60Hz or balance the generation and load in an area.

The precise frequency does not matter, if one generator thinks the frequency is 59.99 and another thinks it is 60.01 their outputs will only be a little higher and lower than their load setpoint. It does not matter if they share changes in load perfectly evenly, so long as generators on the system in bulk respond according to their capabilities.

The point is that they need to be synchronised in order to respond to changes in load.

Yes, they use the frequency as a common signal to respond to changes in load, that is correct.

With gps synchronized clocks and high speed waveform measurement we can see the propagation delay in the frequency across the country when there is a big event. Pretty neat!

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