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Flock | London | Onsite, Full Time https://www.flockcover.com/

Our first product is a real-time risk analysis and insurance application for the drone industry. We launched a pay-as-you-fly drone insurance app: our policies are purchased in real-time, priced by the minute. Our platform uses real-time data (weather, building types, population densities within your drone flight radius) to quantify, price, and sell risk on the fly. We’ve grown: fast. 2 years old, currently a team of 13, and we have 25% of the UK market on our platform We are actively seeking to disrupt the wider insurance industry by bringing our best in class real time geospatial data based risk analysis algorithms to the wider industry.


Our stack is a React Native application, sitting atop a set of NodeJS servers, rigorously typed with Flow, and Postgres databases. We apply rigorous Type safety constraints and data validations. We do not shy away from unorthodox decisions, such as discarding snapshot tests for React testing, not using an ORM, rigidly enforcing type constraints, running a ReasonML service in production, and utilizing Postgres Check constraints, when they help us achieve our goals.


We practice continuous delivery; we can (and do) ship to production multiple times a day. For everything you need to know about our Engineering Culture, take a look here: https://blog.flockcover.com/flocks-engineering-culture-b7123...


Our tech hiring process is competitive, fast, fair, and transparent. You can find it (and apply) here: http://jobs.flockcover.com

Or get in touch with me personally: jobs@flockcover.com

Flock | London | Onsite, Full Time https://www.flockcover.com/

We’re on a mission to build the insurance company of the future. We’re currently the world’s fastest growing drone insurance company. And we’re just getting started…

Our first product is a real-time risk analysis and insurance application for the drone industry. We launched a pay-as-you-fly drone insurance app: our policies are purchased in real-time, priced by the minute. Our platform uses real-time data (weather, building types, population densities within your drone flight radius) to quantify, price, and sell risk on the fly. We’ve grown: fast. 2 years old, currently a team of 13, and we have 25% of the UK market on our platform…


Our stack is a React Native application, sitting atop a set of NodeJS servers, rigorously typed with Flow, and Postgres databases. We apply rigorous Type safety constraints and data validations. We do not shy away from advanced technologies or unorthodox decisions, such as discarding snapshot tests for React testing, not using an ORM, rigidly enforcing type constraints, running a ReasonML service in production, and utilizing Postgres Check constraints, when they help us achieve our goals.


We practice continuous delivery; we can (and do) ship to production multiple times a day. For everything you need to know about our Engineering Culture, take a look here: https://blog.flockcover.com/flocks-engineering-culture-b7123...


Our tech hiring process is competitive, fast, fair, and transparent. You can find it (and apply) here: http://jobs.flockcover.com

Or get in touch with me personally: jobs@flockcover.com

Care does need to be taken with LiPo batteries , ideally charging them with a compatible balance charger. If they are to be stored for a prolonged period, often the batteries can be discharged to a “storage” capacity. It is good practice to always charge and store your lipo batteries in a lipo safe bag (available from most hobby stores). Always follow the LiPo battery manufacturer guidelines!

With that out of the way: A subscription product is something that we're currently working on which will offer you out of flight cover. It's still in the early stages at the moment but if you sign up to our newsletter on our website you'll be the first to know when it rolls out.

That is the dream - be a risk management and insurance company, rather than just the latter. We do reward people for safe flying and provide them with data in order make the best choices. This is why we are fairly transparent about where the price comes from (even if we do not necessarily tell people exactly how we calculated a price from the data).

If a customer knows that their price is high because, for instance, there are 2 schools within a 300 yard radius, chances are they can move their flight, thus endangering less people and saving themselves insurance premiums.

Thanks! We are, of course, hiring: https://flockcover.workable.com/

First off, a disclaimer. I am Abe, and I lead the engineering team at Flock.

With that out of the way, yes, our algorithmic risk assessments leverage real-time data to identify real time, geospatial risk. It is absolutely our long term vision to use this to make insurance generally more fair, easy to use, and, yes, cost effective to both the insurers and the insured. In pursuit of this goal, we are currently working with other insurers to identify whether our core technology can be used in other industries.

That's awesome. One feature I'd personally love to see is number of responses/if any response is accepted so that this could be used to trawl for things you could help solve

That's actually the next feature planned... posts you should answer.

If this is really useful, I'll do it

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