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Agreed. I live in a blue state where the minimum wage for fast food workers is $20 and they still expect tips on top of that.

7 words: "Earn more, spend less, invest the difference."

If you need investment advice, I would recommend putting your money in an S&P 500 fund. Source - that's what Warren Buffet recommends most people should do.

Dishwasher: An Energy Star-certified dishwasher can use as little as 3 gallons of water per load, while hand washing can use up to 27 gallons. Some say that dishwashers are four to ten times more water efficient than hand washing. Newer dishwashers also heat water more efficiently than water heaters and can handle food scraps.

There's a typo on your pricing page. "Enough to get you though thousands of tabs." It should be through not though.


First, they'll come for those who post more than 1000 pieces of content. And I did not speak out because I don't post more than 1000 pieces of content. Then they'll come for those who post more than 100 pieces of content. And I did not speak out because I don't post more than 100 pieces of content. Then they'll come for those who post more than 10 pieces of content. And I did not speak out because I don't post more than 10 pieces of content. Then they'll come for me because of a single comment. And there is no one left to speak out for me.

How about "waike"?

I often try to remind myself, "Would I trade 10 million dollars but I have to be bed ridden?" The answer for me is no. Health is wealth.

Lots of folks are in great health but find themselves voluntarily bed ridden for lack of motivation to do anything else. It can often happen after no longer needing to work. Saying you'll do XYZ once you have the freedom isn't the same as actually being in that situation. People under appreciate the mental component of the puzzle.

i wouldn't trade my health for a trillion dollars.

Interesting. Not sure how this is different from Onlyfans and lots of money is going there.

VISA/Mastercard goes after those as well. ebooks too. Penalizing short people, forcing verbiage changes, etc.

Maybe the Hazda also doesn't typically have a box of Krispy Kreme donuts sitting on their counter.

A recession is when other people lose their jobs. A depression is when you lose yours.

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