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the obvious solution, local storage.

yes. simplify your expectations. realize that not every piece of technology is worth using. biggest benefit is they say no.

did they reinvent email threading

It seems like an enhancement of some parts of email threads rather than a reinvention: replies are identified by where they're rooted rather than a subject; a "concluded" metadata bit is present to at-a-glance delineate stale threads from completed ones; tree structure is enforced by the platform rather than the users following a plain-text convention re: top-posting and quoting; contribution, reply reading, and tree browsing all happen in a single place without involving transmission asynchrony or email clients (which mailing-list-all-the-things zealots probably do not consider an enhancement, but which history indicates most people prefer).

Wow, thanks for that detailed answer!

in some other systems the concept has become overloaded. instead of multiple real people as users, different software with different permissions are different users. its not a bad abstraction.

Maybe containers are a better way of isolating processes as mentioned in other comments.

kubernetes is dying, isn't it?

Kubernetes is a framework, it'll take a long time to die, it will likely contort itself into fitting whatever paradigm is needed.

However, I wonder what you mean? Kubernetes from where I sit has almost complete ubiquity across most companies. Even in places where it's a poor fit.

People starting to put abstractions over it means a) there's a chance people will start asking for a given abstraction rather than Kubernetes, and not care if that abstraction eventually subsumes or replaces Kubernetes, b) at least some people think Kubernetes is enough of a nuisance to deal with to be looking for alternatives.

Whether that means Kubernetes is dying, I'm not so sure. But Kubernetes is extremely complex for a lot of workloads that it's total overkill for, so I'm not surprised people are looking for options.

Could you explain how you arrive to that conclusion from seeing some proyect offering an alternative autoscaling engine?

The only issue I have with the default HorizontalPodAutoscaler is that I cannot scale down to 0 when some processing queues are empty. Other than that, we have shrines erected to k8s.

Yes, just like Linux.

Linux is dying? I though that year 2024 is the year of Linux on the desktop!

I just realised I've used Linux on the desktop for 30 years this year.

No it’s 2025, but definitely going to happen.

Sadly yes. Netcraft confirms it.

I'm not sure what in the article makes you say that? Anyway, the answer is no.

Commenting so I can see the replies later...

holy shit this guy knows no shame

c++ is so bad. when i see threads like this one praising it, i feel bad for all the mental energy these people have put into understanding an unorganized and unelegant garbage dump of ideas. even his coworkers at bell labs tried to convince him c++ was a bad idea.

ken thompson wouldn't use it. then he invented go to spite him.

native racism in the prairie provinces has been awful. in alberta indigenous population appx 7% but inmate population appx 50%. saskatchewan and manitoba likely similar.



That stat alone doesn't tell us if the disparity is due to different rates if criminal behavior, or different treatment by the system. A useful check is to look at murder victimization rates, since a) murder is almost always reported, and b) most murders are intra-racial.

The doc you linked says 39% of inmates are First Nations, and this[0] says they are 37% of Alberta murder victims.

Of course this isn't saying that there isn't inequality in the system, but just that happens before someone gets sentenced.

[0] https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=351001...

We could further ask why racialized minorities might have higher crime rates, such as how those people have been treated by society and the state.

But that’s unrelated to the “racism” comment above. European Canadians came and destroyed the indigenous Canadian population, scattered their population and upended their societies. But Canadians today might treat indigenous people without any prejudice.

Generally speaking, crime isn’t a matter of economics. My dad’s village in Bangladesh in the 1950s—when 1/4 of kids died before the age of five—was safer then than Toronto is today.

Worth keeping in mind that even a lot of these cases weren't treated as murder...

Why else would different races have different rates of criminal behavior?

Historical socioeconomic factors, things that aren't fixed within a handful of generations

Also culture, socialization, and community structure (which may also be the result of historical events).

“Socioeconomic factors” by themselves have limited explanatory potential. Even the poorest Canadian reservations are wealthier per capita than India is now or China was a few years ago. But the homicide rate among indigenous Canadians is about double what India’s was in 1990, and triple of what India’s is today. It’s almost 20 times higher than China’s homicide rate.

For all sorts of reasons?

British Pakistanis and British Hindus look basically the same, especially to a naive native European, but the groups are internally different enough to be on the opposite ends of the British societal ladder in all sorts of attributes - education, wealth, crime rate etc.

This is a complicated issue that I don't see being solved in my lifetime. The higher-than-average crime of this population is genuine and not solely attributed to false racial persecution. Surely some of it is, but it would not account for the entire skew. All it takes to see this is to take a ride on the Edmonton transit system or spend a week in Maskwacis. Obviously the crime is a result of poverty, generational trauma, historic mistreatment and cultural genocide, and IMO the failure of the reserve system. How do you fix it, I don't know... but acknowledging treaty land at every public event and re-naming streets in Cree is probably less useful than fixing the third-world conditions of reserves.

pkg-config seems like all you need these days

apple ships it

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