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agree with this - I think the tech part of fitness+ here is cool (i.e better data and overlays on screen) However i'm not rushing to switch from my zoom classes where the instructor can see and correct form as well as personalize movements and intensity, because we've built the history and knowledge over time.

Agree, I did mine around 8 years ago, and I have halos around street lights when driving at night. I'm absolutely still glad I did it, and I would do it again if/when my eyes ever get worse someday.

there's a settings flag you can add to stop those internal debug messages, which I believe started in the XCode 8 Beta. It is pretty annoying that this not clearly mentioned or toggle-able in the UI


I was highly skeptical, but as of the past few months i use it more than FB and Instagram.

What I found was the limited and spontaneous nature of snapchat works well because it is much less formal and easy than a Facebook or Instagram post that I have to "compose".

I.e, i can take a silly picture of my dog and put a sticker on it and fire it out there, without having to worry about shot composition/hashtag use (Instagram), or content/grammar (FB)

I like how you encapsulated it here. This is actually exactly why I can't use Snapchat, but I understand the appeal for others. I mostly stopped using FB because I just don't have the patience or time for low-effort/low-quality posts, and Snapchat deliberately takes the post-level a step down and creates a sort of low-effort stream of consciousness between friends.

"a sort of low-effort stream of consciousness between friends."

That's exactly the draw for many people, and why it's so sticky. It's about as close to a genuine in-person conversation as you can get. I don't think of it as low quality, just low reach. I speak more colloquially around my friends than I do my employer, and I like Snapchat because it similarly allows me to communicate "at ease".

I see the IMO very dismissive "competitive Starcraft sucks now" sentiment being repeated all over the internet. While it is smaller than say DOTA/LoL, I would encourage you to check out the Blizzcon finals from this past weekend, which I think shows that it is still just as compelling as any of the other eSports out there.

This guy gets it. great notes and things to work toward for the author and contributors.

right, the "ladder anxiety" in being a reasonably good solo ladder SC2 player can be tough to get over for a new player with each loss, even though the matchmaking algo is pretty good at keeping you at a 50% winrate over time. The multitasking required for RTS is difficult and can be frustrating. It's also unclear how to improve efficiently, if you're not plugged in with the various forums/reddits/youtube, etc.

All of the other team based MOBA/FPS games seem so much more accessible and immediately rewarding. Aside from the current free-to-play boom, I think big companies like Blizzard see this and pour resources into Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm.

As a person who has played starcraft regularly since BW and SC2 beta and still plays today, if I was a kid looking at the competitive gaming landscape today, i feel like there's little chances I would go for and RTS over everything else that's out there.

one of the reasons i'm generally Ok with Slack's valuation is that there is a ton of room for a messaging service to offer a service that is secure and auditable at the level that the SEC/FINRA and Banks require. Like the article mentions, if you talk to the people using BBG, it's really the chat functionality that provides the main value for literally everyone, at least in my experience (former front office dev)

I'm unfamiliar with these terminals (have kind of always wanted to play with one), but at first blush, a "secure and auditable" messaging system does not seem that difficult to build.

Is it a legitimate compliance or practical implementation problem, or is it just the network effect?

its also easy to keep it secure when it doesnt use the internet

Network effect.

Its not just the network effect..Bloomberg's messaging system is tightly integrated with the other functionality of the terminal..for example one can execute a trade via a message or get live streaming quotes.

Curious, which apps seem to be affected? Anecdotally, I hadn't seen any issues on my phone this morning with anything asking for a password, but on my laptop I did see a login prompt when i woke it from sleep.

All non-Apple apps. So far have tested Twitter, Hipchat, BBC Weather, Wickr, Authy, Google Authenticator, YouTube and Citymapper.

While this comes too late to help you right now, I recommend looking at running a 2FA app on your laptop or desktop like this - https://github.com/gbraad/gauth so that you are not in this situation again.

Either that or grab a cheap Android handset and use it as a backup. The standard 2FA app on Android needs nothing more than occasional network connectivity to keep the clock in sync. You don't even need a Google account, the app is on FDroid.

Cloudflare is huge and many of us rely on it, so I hope you can easily avoid this predicament in the future - good luck!

>I recommend looking at running a 2FA app on your laptop or desktop

I very strongly recommend against doing this: If you do that, you are giving up a lot of security provided by that second factor as the malware you are using 2FA to protect against now also has access to the keys used to create the 2FA token.

This is a fair point of course, but running it on a second laptop is probably more secure than running it as a mobile app. You wouldn't run it on the same machine you are pushing production code out from, it could be a personal laptop with no access to company systems. I didn't make this point clear in my original comment though.

If you have malware, it can also act as a proxy requesting your codes and forwarding them (e.g. to disable 2FA). 2FA protects against password theft.

If your machine is compromised, it's over.

You're assuming the laptop has malware installed capable of pretty unrestricted access. At that point, all bets are off.

It can just forward code, relay cookies, etc. 2FA protects against someone peeking at your keyboard, or reused passwords, not malware.

the app is on FDroid

I recently learned that there is an authenticator in f-droid, but not the authenticator, if one reads the notes at the top of the f-droid listing: https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=com.google.andro...

I don't even know what they would want to stick in the Play store's authenticator above the already open sourced functionality.

"DISCLAIMER: This open source project allows you to download the code that powered version 2.21 of the application. Subsequent versions contain Google-specific workflows that are not part of the project."[0] The Play Store version is 2.49[1], but I also don't know what "Google-specific workflows" really entails.

[0] https://github.com/google/google-authenticator-android/wiki [1] https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.and...

If you're really desperate: When I last checked, Google Authenticator's keychain entries were not marked "this device only", so they can be extracted from an encrypted backup using something like "iphone-dataprotection" tools.

weird, I can open Google Authenticator (the only app we have in common from that list) just fine

You probably have a signature check cached that's still valid.

mine seem fine as well. I have a handful in common with that list. fingers crossed that they don't have to re-auth

Some messages in the thread mentions: - iTunes Store - Mac App Store - Apple Support - Game Center (https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6868907?start=45&tstart...)

Of these I have only tested "Mac App Store" and "Apple Support" and they don't seem to work.

I could log into the Apple Store though.

Apple TV is definitely affected as is iTunes Connect (at least for me.)

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