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Something closer to a "pure codegen/runtime" example perhaps: I have data showing Roslyn (the C# compiler, itself written in C#) speeds up between ~2x and ~3x running on .NET 8 vs .NET 4.7.1. Roslyn is built so that it can run either against full framework or core, so it's largely the same application IL.

Feel free to open an issue for this over at github.com/dotnet/runtime, if you have code you can share.

IIRC with .NET 7 we will be able to improve this as we can now dump the jit-generated assembly from official builds.

.NET 7 will be officially released in a month or so.

Currently C#/F#/VB support in Compiler Explorer relies on prejitting which has various issues.

Please let us know how well (or poorly) it works for you.

I will, thanks!

Am I correct in thinking that PGO documentation will be coming later as part of the official release? Searching for DOTNET_TieredPGO (mentioned in Stephen's post) doesn't turn up much.

Might give it a spin on Preview 7 this week regardless, Stephen's post has more than enough to get started :)

Yes, we need to provide more guidance.

For now, you might find more info by searching for COMPlus_TieredPGO. The DOTNET_ prefix is a recent addition.

FWIW [peachpie](https://www.peachpie.io/2020/09/peachpie-1-0-preview1.html) is a fairly complete PHP stack running on top of .NET core, leveraging the .NET runtime and jit. It can do things like host WordPress.

It fares pretty well in [techempower](https://www.peachpie.io/2018/06/performance-progress-report....).

FWIW, MSVC has had this ability for a few years now. It helps with both normal compilation unit compiles and with link-time code generation. See for instance Bruce Dawson's notes: https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2014/03/22/make-vc-compile... .

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