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Agreed on jump servers. Also a convenient architecture to productize and charge a subscription fee.

I appreciate the positive feedback, especially from you. Your contributions to WebRTC are incredible - thank you!

> There are synthetic viruses that have close to 100 percent lethality while still being as transmissible as SARS-CoV-2

I didn't know this. Terrifying.

> What an apocalyptic group would lack is the know-how to turn those tools into a biological weapon.

> Could they basically get graduate-level training from a digital tutor in the form of a large language model?

This is an interesting situation. Even if a model is "aligned", is its capacity to educate on general topics an indirect threat? Is this different from human-produced educational content on the Internet?

> but most "new music" is garbage by the standards set by about 50 years of music

How so? What are these standards?

Infantilized lyrics, melodies, and harmonies, for starters.

i think defining what "new" means would help clarity this. perhaps what you said is true with new mainstream music from large labels, but none of that applies to "new" music that i listen to, at least that i'm aware of.

New popular music.

The mainstream went from quite decent to crap within the last 20 years or so.

One could always find stuff to listen to their personal echo bubble, but not as much in the wider shared pop culture space.

A peek at billboard 100 from 2004 might surprise you. Same themes, new style and production. That said the rise of trap, particulary the repetitve autotuned bars, certainly hasn't helped in the lyricism dept.

You'll of course find great talent in every generation. While I don't like the majority of the current top billboard there's some talent behind those tracks.

>A peek at billboard 100 from 2004 might surprise you. Same themes, new style and production.

That era is already after it has been going downhill.

I see what you're saying in terms of additional motivation to find new music.

But, is your average person's relationship with music "one of consumption" in such a way that causes stagnation? This comes off as gatekeepy. People may not make their own music, but I imagine many people listen to music as a form of inspiration.

Interesting article. I expect today's streaming tech will drive some change in these patterns, between easy access to a massive library and recommendation features.

Much of my music discovery is aided by Spotify - some automated (radio, "Made For You"), some more manual ("Fans also like" related artists). However, as I continue to use Spotify, some of these features seem less effective. It's like I'm filling in interconnected regions of Spotify's graph of music and there are less edges to unvisited nodes.

This thing makes me want to more than anything before.

But, not at that price.

Yep. Not tempted by other headsets at $400 or whatever. I’ve tried them, had access to them for free, still they just gathered dust.

Might be tempted by this one… at like $1,500. Maybe.

At $800 (I know, no way given the BOM cost alone) I’d probably already have one.

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