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What kind of "terrorist speech" are we talking about?

> They weren't saying that maintainers couldn't change the API nor that the maintainers who changed the API had to update the Rust part

So maintainer would have to either wait for Rust team to update their API or learn Rust.

Seems like an unnecessary dependency.

Yes, the burden on the C maintainers is low but not zero. In a shared project, other people matter too. If you don't like it you should just work on solo projects.

> Is there CP/violent content in Instagram? Nope. In Facebook? Nope. In YouTube? nope.

Yes. Infact you can find public groups, pages and channels posting all kind of illegal stuff (drugs, weapons, fraud, dox..)

Really, report them they have to take them down, if they do not take CP down then make a hacker News thread , you for sure will be on the top of the page.

Telegram regularly takes down such channels too but their mistake? They underestimated the moderation team size and move at a slower pace than other trillion dollar corpos.

The main mistake seems to have been to ignore requests from law enforcement - and since these requests allegedly only numbered in the dozens, it's not a team size issue.

What does missing human rights activists have to do with telegram?

What are your sources on "utterly compromised security on telegram"?

> What are your sources on "utterly compromised security on telegram"?

Have you looked at the "encrypted" protocol? Wonderfully complex, and the key authority is telegram, with little to no way to spot bait and switch. But thats the "secret" messaging. Everything else is plain text and stored centrally.

its basically facebook/slack with better cyrillic support.

These are all false claims. Messages are not stored in plaintext. Secret Chats are E2EE and use standard crypto primitives. All of this is well-documented. [1] [2]

[1] https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/AJiEAwIYFoAsBGJBjZwYoQIwFM...

[2] https://core.telegram.org/api/end-to-end

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