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Was looking for something like this some years back. Though I wanted Windows support too. Ended up switching to C++ to use wxWidgets, giving me small self contained binaries.

go-fltk does build and run on Windows, pretty well actually.

For a native toolkit, I was impressed to see FLTK supports Ctrl-+ and Ctrl+- to zoom the entire application like a browser. And https://github.com/fltk-rs/fltk-theme?tab=readme-ov-file#wid... really improved my impression of how "native" FLTK can be made to look.

On a related note, I discovered GoVCL https://z-kit.cc/en/ recently and am interested to try it out.

Big fan of WxWindows, I'm just too invested into Go these days. :)

Self-contained Spot "Hello World" is 2.3MiB on my Mac. Not pretty, but works for me.

So you didn't like to continue on that? https://github.com/dontpanic92/wxGo

Geez, look at the build instructions! It all went downhill when they switched from Motif to GTK.

There is wxGo, but sadly the project is not maintained.

First I’m hearing of the meta search engine SearxNG too. Neat. Feel like we’ve come full circle, going back to meta search engines again.

Same here, here is a list of public instances[1]. Docs link [2].

[1] https://searx.space/

[2] https://docs.searxng.org/

Sure it’s tough, but still a great tool. Hard work is hard. Do you have any better ideas?

Don't disagree it's a great tool!

I think with a different approach to review UX could make opportunities to mix up the reviews in a way that doesn't feel like you have an impossible backlog to go through.


Ugh. Seems they are spamming with reputable accounts now too. Thanks for pointing that out!

not down for me.

site responds but search results are down on my phone wifi, and LTE, and desktop

Same here still


Kind of makes sense that ABC news (American Broadcasting Company) is US centric though :-)

I am also American and live in the United States. I don't expect ABC News or anyone else to write as if the entire outside world doesn't exist.

Did you just read the headline and hn comments about the headline?

Not to be confused with the other ABC https://www.abc.net.au/, which is Australian centric. It is weird that I now have to think about when I see the acronym, 20 years ago I would have seen it immediately as the ABC in the states, but broadcast TV plays so little role in our life now.

not hdmi, but display port over usb-c. Though it can't just show up as a plain display I think. Search for quest 3 link to learn more.

Used it for a couple of months and actually had better perf and responsiveness than X11 on my Lenovo X1 Carbon with Intel graphics. For me, I eventually got too much of a wrist pain from my mouse scroll wheel scrolling incredibly slow. On X11 it is fixable using the imwheel utility, but for Wayland i concluded from several GitHub issue threads that nobody can agree on where the fix should be done. (This was a year ago or so, so don’t know if it has been fixed since).

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