SA is an ally to the Western powers, not a threat. The US government's top priority on Sept 2001 (when a group of Saudi royal family members killed thousands of US people on territory) was protecting the (oil man) President's friends (oil company colleagues) in the Saudi monarchy.
It's billionaires (in SA, USA, and China (where the Parliament is full of billionaires) vs everyone, not East vs West.
It's also not their job to know what I'm using to view their website. If my browser misrenders the page, that's on me. There are zero reasons to put such checks in place and lock people out for sending a "wrong" user-agent string.
The error message isn't "you have the wrong user-agent" and the recommended steps aren't "use official Chrome" though. These were all assumptions about the error the OP made other people here have already disproven.
All the error message says is to disable extensions or try a different browser. It doesn't say what went wrong and it certainly doesn't say anything about needing specific user-agents, hell it doesn't even recommend which browser to switch to it just says "try another browser". As someone already mentioned it's not the site's job to figure out how your browser loaded the page wrong just to tell you it did.
In the US, we walk at traffic when there are cars on the road but the passing lane is the same (left) for driving roads and for pedestrian multi-lane "roads" like escalators.
one project, RedHat/Fedora or something, was a pattern like "word A", "word B related to word A", "word C related to an alternate meaning of word B", etc.
The brain and eye are built from two sets of stem cells that connect, akin to normal mammalian development.
> . “In the mammalian brain, nerve fibers of retinal ganglion cells reach out to connect with their brain targets, an aspect that has never before been shown in an in vitro system,” Gopalakrishnan says.
How so? The "process" of getting PhD is writing up his proof and getting it reviewed by the university, and verifying via oral defense that he knows the proof and didn't just plagiarize it.
It's billionaires (in SA, USA, and China (where the Parliament is full of billionaires) vs everyone, not East vs West.