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We've heard good things about MP public schools so that's disappointing! Did you guys end up going to private?

We’re still in the district, and have finally pushed hard enough that they let our kid take a diagnostic test and move ahead independently. But that literally took 3 years to accomplish, during which time zero math learning happened at school.

To clarify, this is the Las Lomitas district, which is west Menlo Park, not MPCSD, which covers downtown and the rest of MP.

If you want a magnet program, go to Redwood City — it has one. Even the privates are generally not great on math acceleration. I hear Menlo School doesn’t allow early acceleration either, and they’re one of the more academic private schools.

Feel free to email me (contact in profile) if you want more details.

Thank you!! I don’t remember the prompt tbh, I think it was something like “mobile iOS application icon of a robot and child reading book”

That’s awesome!

Very cool! What was the process of publishing a book like? I just print my books and glue stick the pages together

Eh, I didn't really enjoy fighting margins etc - I used a combination of GIMP and Publisher to make sure everything was perfect. The Amazon Kindle creation tool was the worst.

Loved How to talk so kids will listen

Also a fan of

Our babies ourselves - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Babies-Ourselves-Biology-Culture/...

Hunt, Gather, Parent - https://www.amazon.com/Our-Babies-Ourselves-Biology-Culture/...

"How to Talk so Kids will Listen and Listen so Kids will Talk." Replace "Kids" with "Adults" and it still works. :-)

same with palo alto

Sorry, I was probably not clear, I have some that are on the Twilio blog but I'm wondering where to publish the projects/write ups that are not Twilio related. Currently they are in google docs but they have pics so don't think HN would be the right way to do it.

I think your text is clear enough, sorry for hijacking the tread. Both look like good submissions, anyway.

About publishing, there are a few free options like WordPress or BlogSpot, or more modern options like Medium. https://www.google.com/search?q=WordPress+or+BlogSpot+altern...

Wow how do you have time for sleep, exercise, bootstrap start up, learn another language, etc. as a single dad? Any suggestions on life organization? Do you have a team of nannies/house help?

I have lots of help. I write during work hours (so kids are at school). At work I delegate as much as possible to a team of great people; hiring a good team has been critical. I sometimes hire a sitter to support some exercise time, and other times I bring my kids with me to a running track. I hire housecleaners to clean regularly to help me keep my home nice and organized. I don't currently have a personal assistant, but in the past I did and that was helpful for getting "life things" done. My kids and I have gotten used to a culture where we alternate between independent time (so I can, say, read a textbook for an hour while they play) and together time. I've found that my kids enjoy independent time when they know they will regularly have focused attention from me, so I try to give them that (reliable focused attention, ideally 1:1). I do have less time to work than I did before kids, so I spend a portion of my energy planning ahead or delegating.

Reading your comments, I think you have super human level of energy. Not to take anything away from your experience, but that isn't much help to the OP who is likely much lower energy. I observe the same in myself. Each year that I age up, the gap in energy between myself and peers grows larger. They keep getting fatter, slower, lazier, less innovative/intelligent. Me: Yes, a bit, but far slower than others around me. The last five years has been striking -- the distance. More and more people ask me: "How do you do it?" Or "When will you slow down?". For years, I thought something was wrong with me and my brain. Now, I understand the gap better. To be clear: This does not mean that I am _absolutely_ smarter than my peers (or a better worker!) -- I am only talking about "energy levels". Ask yourself: How does Elon Musk work 80/90/100 hours per week in his early 50s? Probably a lot cocaine and caffeine. Plus, he has super human level of energy. When I listen to Cal Newport's style of working, I think: "Oh, hey, that's me!" Of course, I'm not a university professor and successful author of many best sellers. But the energy level is similar.

To be fair at his level of wealth, there's very little, other than bodily functions and basic hygiene, that he needs to do for himself. You can get a lot more work done when you don't have to worry about cooking, laundry, cleaning, driving anywhere, childcare, random paperwork and administrivia, home maintenance...

Yes, his mental load must be so much lower than someone who needs to juggle all of those tasks. Hat tip for the term "administrivia" -- I never saw it before!

>Ask yourself: How does Elon Musk work 80/90/100 hours per week in his early 50s

My guess is that he is exaggerating, he has a track record of doing that. Or that what he means by "work" is actually way more layback than what a cashier at costso means by "work".

what is your take on caffeine consumption?

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