Please, disagreeing on a topic and providing arguments is one thing, but suggesting somebody go live in another country because you don’t agree with them on something that happened in their country is disrespectful.
Like another poster pointed out, if an article whole premise is addressing terminology, it’s strange that they call something like a PowerEdge T320 a workstation. It’s not, the whole poweredge line is servers, although this one is a tower rather than rack mount.
I’m not a fan of having very strict labels for things like that, If you use a server as a workstation fine ! If your workload can run on a Mac mini you can call it your workstation as well if you wish!
Canada is in North America. It is not America. Yes the two countries are adjacent and the US has a strong influence on Canada, but you cannot equate one with the other figuratively or literally. Despite the influence they are very much distinct in many regards.