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Although it is a bit tedious, it is also very valuable if it can solve practical problems. I think if you encounter some problems and solve them, you can share your experience. I believe there must be people who have encountered the same problem as you.

Greate tool, I use this too.

As artificial intelligence continues to evolve at a breakneck pace, OpenAI has recently unveiled the latest iteration of its groundbreaking language model, ChatGPT-4. This new version represents a significant leap forward in natural language processing capabilities, boasting improvements in understanding, coherence, and context management over its predecessor.

ChatGPT-4 has been trained on a more diverse and expansive dataset, incorporating a wide array of languages, scientific materials, and world literature. This has not only enhanced its ability to grasp complex concepts but also improved its cultural sensitivity and inclusiveness in generating responses.

One of the most notable advancements in ChatGPT-4 is its ability to maintain context over longer conversations, a feature that addresses one of the major limitations observed in previous versions. This improvement allows for more meaningful and sustained interactions, opening up new possibilities for applications in customer service, tutoring, content creation, and more.

Moreover, OpenAI has implemented new safety features to mitigate the risks associated with AI-generated content. These include more sophisticated content filters and the introduction of mechanisms to detect and prevent the generation of misleading or harmful information.

The implications of ChatGPT-4 extend far beyond mere technical enhancements. As we stand on the brink of a new era in AI, it's essential to consider the ethical, social, and economic impacts of such advanced technologies. ChatGPT-4 serves as a beacon, guiding us towards a future where AI and human intelligence coalesce, promising to revolutionize industries, education, and the very fabric of our daily lives.

As developers, enthusiasts, and skeptics alike explore the capabilities of ChatGPT-4, the conversation around AI's role in society continues to evolve. The potential for innovation is immense, but it also beckons us to tread carefully, ensuring that as we advance, we do so with a mindful approach towards the broader implications of AI.

Very useful to me. Thank you for sharing. Convert to markdown format, the screenshot can also contain pictures.

Thank you for your support, if you have any questions, please give me feedback.

Thank you for your attention. Luckysheet online DEMO is only for testing. Please be sure not to upload any uncomfortable content. Thanks again everyone

Ah,I saw a picture of Pornhub and it was uploaded to the spreadsheet!

It feels good, easy to say, good meaning

There is no Node.js backend for the time being, we are considering plans for more backends in other languages

We have collected the backends of java, .NET and Golang versions provided by the community. Welcome to the community to provide another Node.js version.

Please check:https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDocs/guide/resource....

Hi HN,

I am the author of the open source spreadsheet Luckysheet. Luckysheet's github repository has won 6K+ star in 5 months. Thank you for your love.

This time we opened the java backend to support collaborative editing.

Demo - http://luckysheet.lashuju.com/demo/

1. After the user operates, the data is distributed quickly

2. Simple configuration, one-click Docker deployment

3. Support secondary development

4. Apache-2.0 License


Luckysheet - https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet

LuckysheetServer - https://github.com/mengshukeji/LuckysheetServer

Welcome to communicate if you have any questions :)

Great work!

How does the Java / Postgres application scale? How many concurrent users can it support?

It can be regarded as an ordinary docker application, and k8s is recommended. Postgres can split table by listid, but the database is not recommended to be installed with docker

Concurrency has not been tested yet

Keep up the excellent work. Very cool! Congratulations!

Very cool. congrats

Some time ago, we released Luckysheet, now we release a new open source excel import and export plugin-Luckyexcel.

Excel import online demo: https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckyexcelDemo/

The first version already supports the import of the xlsx format, the export feature is under development, and more formats will be supported in the future.

Luckysheet optimizes the original functions like built-in formulas, conditional formatting and chart.In addition, we have added enhancements such as insert picture, data validation and cell segmentation style.

Luckysheet online demo: https://mengshukeji.github.io/LuckysheetDemo/

For more detailed plans, please visit the Luckysheet project homepage.

Luckysheet: https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckysheet/

Luckyexcel: https://github.com/mengshukeji/Luckyexcel/

Important: Our fundraising event has been opened,come support us: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/luckysheet/luckysheet

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