Considering that they've picked a very difficult level on purpose, I assumed it's hard on purpose as a joke. You get to solve the CAPTCHA only once you've got significant skills at Doom.
Page is unusable to me, if I try to opt-out through settings it just crashes :/
Nice way to force users to accept - not that I think this cookie terror banner practice makes any sense.
Sausage, mashed potatoes, peas, corn, vinagrete (tomatos and onions cut and mixed together), shredded chicken breast, catupiry (a kind of creamed cheese), bacon, covered with string potatos, mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard, and bread.
- Make the player immortal by default. Also all weapons by default.
- Add strafing, if possible.
- Make the player go to the level exit to finish the captcha (maybe a custom short map?)
- A simpler version for mobile could be the original 3x3 captcha square with enemies attacking you. Tapping on enemy squares would kill them.