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Since the IDF has been shown to be intentionally cautious in their persecution of this war

Can you confirm that this is sarcasm? If not then it is an incredibly inaccurate statement.

I've seen this before. Your proof is a single person's opinion. Note that it is an opinion, with no evidence or data to back it up. It contains numerous tropes of IDF apologists and is written by a person who has a long history of opposing any investigations into the actions of the military and having generally right wing, militant, pro-European and anti-Muslim views. the letter appeals only to those who want to believe it.

Funny that "one person's opinion" happens to be shared by a lot of people though

More tragic than funny but it is human nature. Propaganda mills like PragerU exist because they work. People are happy to pick up other people's opinions because it saves them doing the hard work of forming one themselves. Lots of people believe things that are patently false, from religion to pseudo science to flat earth. Just believing something because it aligns with your existing opinions and prejudices doesn't make it true, it makes it confirmation bias.

The source of this shoddy opinion is PragerU, a very well funded and openly right wing, Christian, pro-Israel media outlet. It is literally paid my its wealthy right wing ultra rich donors to publish one sided content that pushes the donors' views for the donors' benefit. It is as far from a neutral objective source as you can get.

Here's their annual report from last year for a glimpse at their bias: https://downloads.ctfassets.net/qnesrjodfi80/5CKH6Ji47c5yxhv...

Let's be honest, one reason many of us loved it was because of Flash. Thankfully there's Ruffle for that, now

Also, it would be helpful if Google hadn't steadily degraded their product. +words +that +must +be +included +should +have +those +words +in +the +search. Not "fuzzy search". Not "can't find my result even when I explicitly tell you". Which includes surfacing of more obscure sites (like what wiby/marginalia do now).

(Which also includes censorship but that's a different story)

Flash was late, early 2000s when it blew up on the Web.

Don’t know if it’s sad or sickening to see Google pretend it only has 10 results for a query when we all know every single query got 10k-1m results before they nerfed it

Not quite the same thing, but Matrix had (it's come upon financial hardship, unfortunately) "Third Room", where a chatroom became an actual room you can edit

I don't know how to interpret statements like this. In my mind there has to be a clear separation between problems individual platforms have (ie an algorithmic feed where you may or may not see what your friends actually post despite explicitly following them) and... the rest of the discussion. "Social media" (a very broad term) as a medium people dislike, well, that's individual. It means no matter how a platform does some people will always be against it. I don't understand that. I think the more important discussions to have are how we can improve specific sites

By far the biggest thing people remember about Google+ was the hamfisting of it (several people lost their Youtube accounts) and yet people also reported that it was otherwise a good experience (compared to the Facebook feed); one thing Google had to contend with was Facebook not offering access to the social graph so they had to build the network effects by a more difficult route

eg Facebook replacing people's email addresses, one wonders if it was partly a way to fight Google+ https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4151433

I lost my original YouTube account due to Google+ spawning a new one from my gmail address I’d used to sign up for YT in the early days.

It’s been years and I’m still mildly annoyed about losing it.

Google also spawned a second one for me from my original gmail address, but I still use my original pre-google+ youtube account. After signing in to that google account on any given device, I have the option to switch between the two youtube accounts associated with the email.

That must be nice. Was your YT account also from before the acquisition?

My original account still exists and my face is in the videos as well but but I have no way to log in and support couldn’t or wouldn’t help me.

The original YT account associated with the email was created in mid-2010, so not pre-acquisition.

It's good that you have access to both; out of curiosity, is there any differentiation in the way it list them in the menu where you pick which one to use, or is the order consistent? I can imagine being mildly annoyed if I had to guess every time I logged into a new device which one was the one I wanted, although obviously that's still better than just not having a choice.

The one created for google+ is usually listed first. After signing into my google account on a new device, the google+ one is also the one that I'm usually automatically signed into.

If Google had any direction and purpose, it could have kept not fucking up Circles until Facebook (almost inevitably it seems in retrospect) messed up.

If Google just added customer happiness to their usual stuff it would fix a lot of things.

I wonder if there's any plans to pair it with some kind of GPS system, so emergency services can tell exactly where a person is

GPS already works globally thanks to a very similar gift by the US government. Phones automatically send it to 911 when you call. So it's already paired. Starlink will additionally have some idea of a phone's location just due to how the phased arrays work, but not nearly as precise as GPS.

Funny I think of it as a gift FROM the people TO the US Government.

I usually don’t give someone a gift and then borrow it back every day.

It's quite a stretch to call it a gift from the US government. The original GPS was opened up with horrible accuracy. Every superpower now operates their own positioning constellations free of charge. Thanks US, EU, Russia, India and China

>"The original GPS opened up with horrible accuracy"

When GPS launched more than thirty years ago, the accuracy for civilians was within 330 feet, made universally accessible at no additional cost to everyone in the world at a cost of 12 billion dollars. That's a pretty darn good gift if I've ever seen one. Also India does not have a global satellite navigation system, only a regional one.

Not only that, the US government stopped limiting accuracy in 2000. Long before any alternative was available publicly or globally. It's questionable whether other systems would have been made free if GPS hadn't set the example. It was absolutely a gift to the world and it's incredible the backflips people will turn to try to minimize it.

This is already done. "When the cellular phone detects that the user is placing an emergency call, it begins to transmit its location to a secure server, from which the PSAP can retrieve it. Cellphone manufacturers may program the phone to enable GPS function automatically (in case it has been turned off) when the user places an emergency call." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_911

Why? You can tap +>"share location" on iOS to send coordinates in chat. It works when texting 911 too

Yeah I guess I just meant in conjunction with Starlink but of course many pieces of technology have it

It would be so much easier to believe this was a question of incentives ("it's not just/never just One Person At The Company") if Mark Zuckerberg didn't have a history of knowingly stealing from other people and generally being a backstabber

People who claim they would say the same thing about "...dumb fucks" because it's dumb to give away information (already pretty spurious, but whatever) seem to miss the other part where he says "If you need any info on people, just ask"

Because it sure seems like the pattern of behavior keeps continuing, rather than stopping, as a once young immature person who then learns

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