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By the same logic with the Israel-Palestine issue, the US is currently the only state visibly blocking calls for immediate ceasefires and establishing a Palestinian state (which is essential for a two-state solution) at the UN and it can therefore be called the enemy of the most of the world.

Edit: improve grammar and wording

I think the biggest deal-breaker for me is that they chose to go with /e/OS which is not something I enjoyed after trying it briefly since the skin over AOSP to me seemed ugly and bloated and change for the sake of it.

I would like to try out the recent Zefones and the nothing phone also seems good. But at the moment I have my Pixel 6a which is serving me well enough.

There's no skin on /e/OS, it is just a fork of LineageOS with a few Google/telemetry things removed, MicroG integrated, and a handful of apps/services preinstalled.

Are you talking about the default launcher? You can download dozens of different launchers on their app store, and install them with one click. Including Trebuchet, which is the default launcher on LineageOS, which is, at this point, de facto AOSP.

They support /e/OS, but it comes with normal android out of the box.

>As with any college course, there are some required materials. Prospective students will need to have access to Age of Empires IV on Steam, the Microsoft Store, or with subscriptions to Xbox Game Pass for PC or Ultimate.

But also:

>All players will need to be signed into the game using an Xbox Live account, available for free.


I recently made the swtich from DDG from Searx simply bevause right-clicking on a search result to copy the url resulted in a referrer link to be copied rather than the link of the result destination.

I use https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clearurls/ to automatically convert referrals to actual links on web pages.

I've been using ClearURLs for a while so I never even realized that DDG used referrer links. Have they always done this?

I think enabling DoNotTrack header or disabling JavaScript prevents this behavior: i cannot reproduce on Tor Browser. But you are correct this is a worrying development.

Isn't the referral link only on the ad results, which is clearly marked "AD"? That's what my quick test shows.

Now I am not sure what exactly the issue is but this seems to be applicable to all results, at least on my particular setup.

On LibreWolf browser,

On mouse hover, the correct result urls show but then I right-click one, it shows something like:


But this same behaviour cannot be observed on Google/Searx on the same browser. It also even isn't observable with DDG on a FF nightly build on the same system and a FF stable build on a separate one.

Edit: url formatting

EDIT2: this behaviour seems to be limited to my particular setup and even a clean LibreWolf profile seems not to suffer from this issue. I apologise for the misunderstanding.

Bizarre. I would never guess that was a local problem, even with my post I assumed you accidentally copied the ad then quickly made a decision.

I think the danger of such a shift is that people will no longer have the same level of incentive to make 'good' videos but rather clickbait-y ones that go viral

Thanks for linking that. Seems like the patches are 95% UI-related. There doesn’t seem to be any significant change related to improving privacy.

While I’m grateful to this project for calling attention to the privacy issues with Firefox, most of the effort spent on this seems like replacing the brand.

People could get nearly all of the benefit by copying the policy.json file.

As a user concerned with the influence Google has over the web, forcing WebKit is something I can accept on iOS even though popular browsers on iOS, in my view, don't seem to be as feature-rich as their Android counterparts.

A worse offence is having a platform so locked down that clearing opened apps from the recents menu has to be done one by one instead of having a simple single "clear all" solution the alternative to which is using a 'tweak' which would necessitate having a jailbroken phone which would, in turn, involve connecting the phone to a computer to get jailbroken on each restart or a more convoluted method.

Another widely-known issue: when using apps with an alternative store like AltStore without jailbreak, you either need to connect to a Windows/MacOS or use some tweak to have on-device signing enabled within every seven days unless you have a Apple Developer subscription.

Moreover, iOS has "slide to poweroff" but there is no convenient way to restart[1]: Xiaomi copied the UX and even made it better by needing less steps. Even simple changes requiring steps so radical (perhaps not as radical as flashing a 'custom ROM' but is IMO less rewarding than the latter) and regular maintenance is telling.

1. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201559

I think a part of it could be explained by the way things have been in recent times.

As of July 2021 (according to the linked metrics), ~25% of the displays used are 1366x768px while ~40% of them are 1080p. Yet when the "Proton" refresh aimed to promote usability and while certain level of cross-platform was reached, the increase of padding simply made the experiences of people using displays with "less than optimal" resolutions worse. While the proton's hidden and "unsupported" compact mode had a decent height for a 14" FHD display, the same did not look as good on my 15.6" display with the same resolution. When I complained on reddit like many others about the increase in whitespace, I don't think it was given what I believe to be a proper consideration. Why would the main menu be bigger despite having fewer items? And where are the icons? It was a concern back when it was in nightly and many of the concerns remain now even though it has had a stable release.

Another thing that is problematic is the colour-scheme. The newer style incorporates less contrasted colours and does away with what made the preceding Photon design better in certain ways: look at how the tabs on FF used to have a markedly different colour than their backdrop and how there used to be separators between tabs. The fact that the newer design is a bad one somehow eluded those in charge of it and the fact that the contrast between the active tab and its surrounding elements being low being an important issue is an afterthought is telling.

Moreover, the dropdown for the megabar suggestions used to have full-window width but now it is limited to the megabar width for no apparent reason other than looking "cool" (which it does not btw; especially when you compare it to Chromium's counterpart). They introduced the megabar-expansion-on-focus behaviour, kept a config to disable it for a major release or two and then dumped the old one. Also, when you selected multiple tabs, upon a right-click, it used to tell you the count of selected tabs - which no longer seems to be the case. Needless to say, looking at userChrome.css to be _the_ solution for undesirable changes would not work well for anyone in the long run.

Firefox, unlike Chromium-based browsers, does not support XDG base dir spec. It does not bother me very much and neither does FF flickering every once in a while on my main system. What bothers me is that with each new release I feel like FF is losing bits of its magic. Back when FF Quantum was released and was stripped of what many considered the level of flexibility which appealed to them, I was concerned but ultimately accepted it. But this time around the changes feel like marketing speak. Mozilla already has a discourse instance but post-Proton-release they also have a crowdicity instance...

The way things have been going is genuinely upsetting and many users are just reacting to that.

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