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If I understand you right, this seems like a very course-grained way to track changes. You can record that a change was made, but not the specific change. It seems like it'd help facilitate something like, say, an etag, but I don't think could get any auditable data using this alone, could you? Keeping track of added/deleted hashes would probably be best handled by a trigger, unless you really want that in your app code, so this seems a lot like an audit trigger, with very little audit data. Have I misunderstood?

I’m surprised that Sopranos made the transcendent finale list, and equally surprised that Six Feet Under didn’t make it (and isn’t even in the review.) Six Feet Under wrapped everything up so perfectly. The Sopranos, as much as I enjoyed it, did not have a finale that lived up to the show.

It would have been an invalid article had it not included The Sopranos! The Sopranos did have the perfect ending. It's been debated and will continue to be debated till the end of time, and I loved it.

My take: life continues and Tony keeps doing what he's been doing, which fits the entire theme of the show: The more things change, the more things stay exactly the same.

Funny - I heard about the finale before I saw it, so I figured there would be a lot of ambiguity, but it was quite obvious to me that it was “lights out” for Tony so to speak. I suppose that speaks well for it that we are able to take our own meaning.

Six Feet Under had arguably the greatest finale of all time. It's been like fifteen years since I watched it and I still think about it.

There was a similar post a week or two back, and many of the responses mentioned scratchapixel [0]. It seems like a solid recommendation, and I got lost in a couple of the links.

[0] https://www.scratchapixel.com/

I didn’t realize it until looking at it just a moment ago, but Auth0 is an Okta subsidiary. They don’t have a stellar record by themselves [0]. I guess that leaves Amazon? That’s not super encouraging.

[0] https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/auth0-warns-t...

Amazon Cognito is an attractive option for authentication since it has a good free tier and is relatively inexpensive even outside of the free tier.

The downside I ran into is that it doesn't support SAML SSO. It is only OAuth, OpenID Connect, and JWT.

As an auth backend to an app, perhaps, but the web login forms for Cognito had terrible UX (when we were using it). So terrible that we had daily customer-reported support tickets that we had no ability to fix (short of writing our own full UI).

Also, sharding user records into Cognito pools was a bit frustrating. Hopefully AWS has invested in fixing these issues.

Firebase and Supabase might also be good options for authentication. Cheaper with generous free Tier.

I’m a big fan of LunarVim, but handling large files out-of-the-box is not a great experience. Observed in both lvim, and neovim with my own config. I’ve found myself leaning on helix in those cases - quicker than screwing with either config, or running vim -u NONE.

LunarVim is my daily driver, but Helix is screaming fast compared to it in many cases.

I’ve heard similar arguments made pretty regularly for almonds and especially alfalfa [0] grown in California or Arizona, and exported to Saudi Arabia. It seems legit to me.

[0] https://azpbs.org/horizon/2022/06/saudi-water-deal-threateni...

I see the following in the English kindle version - seems like it’s the same in spirit:

“We’re humanitarian and noble, we’ve no intention of subjugating other races, we only want to impart our values to them and in return, to appropriate their heritage. We see ourselves as Knights of the Holy Contact. That’s another falsity. We’re not searching for anything except people. We don’t need other worlds. We need mirrors. We don’t know what to do with other worlds. One world is enough, even there we feel stifled. We desire to find our own idealized image; they’re supposed to be globes, civilizations more perfect than ours; in other worlds we expect to find the image of our own primitive past.”

Thank you so much! I've always been curious of that-it's stuck with me.

I mostly agree. I enjoy my 40” 4k monitors, but I’ve found that sometimes constraining myself to a laptop display can improve my focus. However, laptop keyboards, even those on macs and thinkpads, are poorly suited for extended use I think. The author is using an external keyboard, and that makes the setup much more usable in my opinion.

They’re obviously more expensive to hire rather than less exciting. Native cross-platform development for a medium-to-large app is a hell of an investment. On going maintenance and dealing with platform upgrades is costly. Probably super impractical more often than not. I don’t see it boiling down simply to “developer experience”, but I don’t completely disagree on that point.

Instead, you leverage what you already have - any modern product is already going to have a web interface. The idea of packaging that interface into a self-contained desktop application with little to no additional effort is just too appealing. Sure, everybody else screws it up when attempting this route, and performance becomes a huge problem, but surely your team will do it right. And besides, webdevs are a dime a dozen compared to C++ guys (and fluent on two or three platforms? Good luck. You’ll pay through the nose the get them and more to keep them.)

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