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I agree, but it doesn’t change the fact in my mind that despite golang’s nulls, I’ve found it to be a ridiculously productive language to work with in a lot of cases. I’d credit that to the simplicity of the language (if not the runtime), and, it least from that perspective, it’s something Golang shares with F#. F# has the obvious advantage of a significantly better type system and the disadvantage of not sharing the more familiar Algol/c syntax.

Records, tuples, pattern matching, immutability, error handling with Result<‘a>, distaste for nulls, it’s got everything that Microsoft is trying to shoehorn into C# today, without all the baggage that C# brings with it. It seems like F# (fortunately) does have many reasons /to/ change.

Agreed - the tooling and advocacy needs changing. How many times has VS shipped with broken F# functionality.

I was hoping to see this one - I was just about to post before seeing your comment. It’s not a long book, but it definitely sticks with you.

I think Murakami’s books are a great suggestion. Magical realism, nowhere near sci-fi, but very easy to slip into. However, 1Q84 feels a bit like a heavy recommendation even if you’re a Murakami fan. It’s a bit more of a commitment and I think it helps if you’re familiar with his other stories before diving into it. I’d say try Hardboiled Wonderland first - I thought it stepped away from some of his recurring themes but still a good example of his style. Also a quicker read. He has a few anthologies might be good intros as well - I read two, Dance, Dance, Dance and The Elephant Also Vanishes, but I think he’s got some others.

Along the lines of magical realism, Kurt Vonnegut seems like a great recommendation too. His books incorporate a bit more sci-fi - Galapagos, Cat’s Cradle, Sirens of Titan, slaughterhouse five, …

I’ve had a Breville Barista Express model for years and it’s been perfect. Daily use (4-8 doubles), easy to clean, very consistent shots. I’m definitely a fan.

Yeah mine doesn't work too hard, 2 doubles a day at the most and maybe 6-8 in the weekend if we have guests. But it has been great, I've had it for 5 years now and it hasn't skipped a beat. I'm not sure what reparability but I've got a few Breville appliances around the house and they have all been really solid.

I enjoyed Player of Games and it was a good second book for me after Consider Phlebas. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Use of Weapons, but I haven’t been able to get into it after starting and restarting a couple times.

The excellent “Fall of Civilizations” podcast covers this well, too:


Takeaway: Jared Diamond’s Easter Island collapse theory seem remarkably out of touch.

Takeaway there is bit more serious.

Same - it seems like a decent, small, example of using gtk4 bindings in rust. These kinds of projects are great particularly for anyone comfortable in C and building up fluency in rust.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "an English-speaking human is the client"? It seems to me that if the hypertext response in the example referenced "deposits" in Arabic, Swahili, English, or Japanese, it'd all be the same to the client.

(fta) > The client knows nothing about the API end points associated with this data, except via URLs and hypermedia controls (links and forms) discoverable within the HTML itself. If the state of the resource changes such that the allowable actions available on that resource change (for example, if the account goes into overdraft) then the HTML response would change to show the new set of actions available.

> The client would render this new HTML, totally unaware of what “overdraft” means or, indeed, even what a bank account is.

So the client doesn't understand what a deposit is, but it doesn't have to. The response provides actions that the client knows how to incorporate and navigate. The alternative being a JSON response that is completely opaque - requiring additional parsing, explicit interpretation, and templating/interpolation, and DOM insertion before it's useful.

A RESTful web client speaks hypertext. JSON-RPC is useful, but is not RESTful in the original sense of the word.

This is exactly the confusion caused due to mismatched terminology. In the explanation the “client” is a browser. But obviously the browser isn’t an active participant in the exchange. The actual client of the banking service is the human looking at the browser. The human knows how to react because they know the English word “deposits” and can continue this game of adventure by interpreting whatever comes back, again based on English labels.

Now consider how you’d write a script for a computer to use this “API” in automated fashion.

Nobody creates a JSON-over-HTTP protocol because they think it’ll be easier for human clients to use. The area of controversy is how computers should talk to each other.

Another way of saying this is that the concept of “self-describing” data is a handwave that is doing a huge amount of work here.

We're going to disagree, but respectfully, thank you for the discussion.

> This is exactly the confusion caused due to mismatched terminology. In the explanation the "client" is a browser. But obviously the browser isn't an active participant in the exchange.

The browser is also understood as a client in other similar exchanges [0]. There shouldn't be much confusion on the term, at least from a developer perspective.

> The actual client of the banking service is the human looking at the browser.

I don't see it this way. The article is clear about what the term "client" means (e.g., "a proper hypermedia client...", "...the client would render this new HTML...", "...the client must know how to interpret the status field...")

It's also clear from Fielding's thesis itself, referenced in the article, what a "client" represents in its description of REST as a "client-server architecture" with hypermedia as a "client-server constraint" [1].

There is confusion about REST as a term. I don't believe it's due to mismatched terminology or a misunderstanding of the term "client" in the context of REST as a network/web architecture.

> The human knows how to react because they know the English word "deposits" and can continue this game of adventure by interpreting whatever comes back, again based on English labels.

The user of a (web) client isn't relevant in this case, nor is it how the user interprets what comes back. The point is that the (web) client can interpret a hypermedia response without any additional knowledge. The (web) client can make any additional actions available to the user without further interpreting the response as it would with the JSON version.

> Now consider how you'd write a script for a computer to use this "API" in automated fashion.

Now, your script is the client, not the browser, and your script is responsible for parsing the relevant data, following links, etc. How it works with RESTful responses and payloads is entirely up to your script. That said, it seems similar to a JSON response, you'll parse out the bits you care about and proceed accordingly.

> ...The area of controversy is how computers should talk to each other. Another way of saying this is that the concept of "self-describing" data is a handwave that is doing a huge amount of work here.

I disagree, but I can see where you're coming from.

Machine-to-machine communication using hypermedia rather than JSON _still_ strikes me as "self-describing" in the sense that being able to locate, navigate, and act on the resources that hypermedia represents is what a "proper hypermedia client" is designed to do. You can still access the API programmatically, but now you have less parsing to do, and things like navigation and resource manipulation come for free. By that I mean there is no need for a dedicated API client that solely speaks the JSON-RPC dialect of the particular API you are accessing. (I'm thinking of "RESTful" API clients I've recently had to work with in one way or another: Box, BusinessCentral, Azure, DocuSign, etc.)

I don't interpret "self-describing data" in the context of a network architecture to mean that the (web) client has attained enlightenment and suddenly knows what deposits and withdrawals are. There shouldn't be too much confusion on that point, even with the most superficial reading. Fielding describes "self-descriptive messages" as simply a RESTful constraint - not magic. You (through a [web] client) ask for deposits, and you receive a response containing details about a deposit and/or ways to manipulate those data further. How the user interprets the message, what they do with it, isn't interesting. What is interesting is that user will work with the resources through a web client: a RESTful web client can interact with a RESTful resource without additional "out-of-band" knowledge in the form of, say, JSON parsing and buckets of javascript imposing some RPC logic.

[0] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-1.1

[1] https://ics.uci.edu/~fielding/pubs/dissertation/rest_arch_st...

> The (web) client can make any additional actions available to the user without further interpreting the response as it would with the JSON version.

What happens when there is no user and it's fully automated? Everywhere in the post where you say "you", you're referring to an intelligent user interacting with the website which is the point being made - hypermedia REST works well in an interactive context, but an automated context needs something simpler, more reliable, & more parseably stable than the more mutable UX you'd send the user. The point is that this breaks down when you have automation interacting with a service that has no concept of agency - it's executing specific sets of functions against endpoints and discovery is not particularly relevant as that discovery happens once when the programmer writes the automation code.

That's the point of the article; when you say 'an automated context needs something simpler, more reliable, & more parseably stable', you are referring to an RPC system like, eg, JSON-RPC. This is what the OP article calls 'the opposite of REST'.

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