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A digital signature does not protect you against a malicious actor who starts distributing outdated, vulnerable versions to you.

How do i know you don't know what your talking about?....a mystery ;)

I mean replay attack and freeze attack as described in https://doi.org/10.1145/1455770.1455841 . It's very likely that I'm not up to date on mitigations in individual package managers.

Meeting recordings are available in Google Apps Script.

Autosharing can be easily solved by simple Google Apps Script. I scan my personal calendar and share recording to Slack channel when I detect group meeting with recording available. Mail me, so I can arrange something for you.

Autorecording - yeah, this is missing. There is paid Chrome Extension which do that, but I have never tested it.

I record all meetings locally regardless of the tool with OBS. But that is only useful to me as I don't ask for authorization and not sharing them. It is only because I know my mind will sometimes drift and I want to be able to replay part of the meeting.

Having said that, so many people don't record meeting I or someone else can't attend. This is annoying. It should be automatized so that if you miss part or all of a meeting you can still watch the record as long as you were invited.

That's a great idea to record locally. Do you keep a deep history or wipe after 30/90/365 days? Do you need any special hardware for it?

My memory is not great. I'm starting to have more calls with clients and it would be great to have a record rather than trying to take notes and conduct a conversation at the same time.

> It should be automatized so that if you miss part or all of a meeting you can still watch the record as long as you were invited

People generally don't like knowing that everything they say is being recorded

> That's a great idea to record locally. Do you keep a deep history or wipe after 30/90/365 days? Do you need any special hardware for it?

If there is anything I want to keep, I will usually take notes but sometimes I cut the small part I need and store it in a special folder. I just wipe once in a while the main "obs" directory, every other week or so. if I haven't felt the need to play back a video, I doubt it will in the future so I don't keep a lot of retention, it is pretty much only to help me when I am getting distracted or multitasking during a meeting. Most of the time when I feel the need to play back the video, it is immediately after the meeting because I know something important had been said but wasn't 100% focused and want to be sure I haven't missed anything.

But I don't have lots of meeting, a handful a week usually. I don't need special hardware, obs seems to be heavily multithreaded. It might hurt the battery usage if I am not plugged but no core is going very high in term of cpu and I don't feel any slowness. I am recording in the 2500/160kbps veryfast(medium CPU usage, standard quality) setting at 1080p, it takes like 1MB every 3 seconds.

Recording meetings with OBS is pretty simple.

The process is exactly like that of streaming a computer game along with local microphone audio, except one pushes the "Start Recording" button instead of the "Start Streaming" button inside of OBS. There's got to be a million (or more) howtos written on the subject.

Hardware-wise, it's pretty straight forward: GPUs (including the ones that are a part of most non-Xeon Intel CPUs) have been up to the task of realtime video compression for around a decade or maybe more, which allows for the heavy lifting to be done in specialized silicon.

A bigger concern than the technical practicality might be legal concerns that generally surround audio recording.

For instance: In my state, I am permitted to record any conversation that I am a participant in -- I don't need permission from anyone but myself, and I don't need to notify anyone.

But in the US alone, there's also 49 other states worth of laws on the subject, and they can vary quite a lot.

Just define two separate IngressRoutes:

- one using a hostname match, low rule priority, requiring authentication

- the second one uses a hostname and ClientIp match, high rule priority, bypassing authentication

Google contributes KVM patches upstream. See https://www.phoronix.com/news/KVM-CPUFreq-RFC-Patches , https://www.phoronix.com/news/Google-New-ASI-KVM-2022, https://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/hardware/processors-me...

Regarding AWS, I would also add Firecracker for AWS Lambda, which uses KVM.

How npm is regulated? Anybody can publish their package on npm as they can do on GitHub. There is no up-front review on npm. Only packages that are clearly harmful to the community are removed from npm.

Yes, as I wrote, npm is not regulated.

Yea, it's a real issue. Search for "raspberry pi dead SD card" to found report of ppl which have failing SD card every month or more often.

Most of those tend to be power issues.

It looks great. Postman always loses me because I usually only need simple requests and I have to go through a big structure. As a result, it only ever edits one request over and over again, which I have configured correctly.

The key thing about Postman is that I was able to configure my own script to refresh the API token. For the internal API, we have a short-lived "access_token" token (~1 minute) and then a long-lived "refresh_token" (~1 day) based on the user's email address and password. When renewing the token, you receive information about its lifespan. You cannot create a new scratch token every time because you will be rate limited. I put all that logic in Postman hook script.

Making these HTTP requests in Curl – due to token refreshing – is painful.

Will Bruno support this use case?

curl + shell

  $ eval $(stat -s refresh_token); #set some stat vars, will use change time st_ctime
  $ if [ $(expr $(date '+%s') - $st_ctime) > 86400 ]; then rm refresh_token; fi
  $ if [ ! -f refresh_token ]; then ./get_refresh_token.sh; fi

They updated TOS to enable proxing R2 via CDN with cache enabled: https://blog.cloudflare.com/updated-tos

Not all your expected checks, but some of them compliance monitoring solutions (e.g. Vanta) can provide. They allow you to monitor whether branch protection rules are set, whether all GitHub users have mapped to employees from the HR system, etc.

You also want to learn about GitHub "rulesets" (if your GitHub plan offers it) because they enable central management of branch protection rules across all repositories. Using them, you can specify once at a level that branch protection rules are to be enabled, and then only add exceptions to this rule if needed, so you have security by default.

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