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60% of those people were not employed, unlike the Amazon workers workers

But I don't think that's true either. See: the Inquisition where even converted Jews weren't safe

It's the same on iPhone for i'm guessing DRM content

I agree its pretty niche; but i still think its better for users, who will probably never interact with it directly, than placing an arbitrary ceiling for certain functions

How is it stunted or limited?

Swifts enums can be recursive though as can rusts

Thanks for the clarification. That does indeed make them closer to unions.

I may be out of my depth here as I've only casually used Rust, but this seems similar to Swift's proposed lifetime dependencies[1]. They're not in the type system formally so maybe they're closer to poloneius work

[1]: https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/3055becc53a3c3...

Screen size isn’t the problem for mobile, it’s tap targets

As someone using a pinephone (and thus running desktop apps on a phone screen), this is why I often leave the screen scaling at 200%...

Well going off the article he’d at least not have a criminal record

He doesn't have a criminal record though. He has an arrest record.

Granted the way the article explained it is pretty poor. I'm not totally clear what it was trying to say in that regard.

As an aside, Canada has a robust pardon system[0] that the US doesn't have. At least aside from the truly bizarre (at least to me) system of presidential pardons.

A pardon wipes your record of the specific crime completely FWIW.

[0] https://www.pardons.org/pardons/faqs/

A lot of work is going into move only types for swift to avoid the need of ARC in fundamental types like you mentioned. Classes aren’t going away but Apple is trying to evolve the language to cater to various performance needs.


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