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Maybe I'm failing to see your point, but wouldn't removing the requirement for a judge to look at it, no matter how hastily that decision is made, further reduce the barrier to a false search? Or are you saying it pressures the judges into making hastier decisions in larger cases that would not fall under this decision because of the volume of smaller cases?

I'm trying to say that checks&balances are great, at least as long as there's no bottleneck in the whole process because that usually leads to overspill of some kind. For example, judges feeling pressured into rubberstamping due to the heavy workload.

I don't really see any real solution to this that doesn't involve either law enforcement toning down the number of requests for warrants or jurisdiction needing to expand its capacities, to allow judges more care in checking individual warrant requests.

I agree (having only read the article, not the study) - I think the overall premise that improvement in a skill is incompatible with ego reduction is simplistic. You can absolutely improve on something overall while perhaps regressing on some small part (Simpson's Paradox). It's like saying that no-one can be truly humble if they believe (but not brag!) they're more humble than average - they're probably just right about that and can still be an unassuming person all around.

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