They are looking for clues to the The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. If we accept the premise HN is part of that, it should relate.
I wonder if some misconception can have snuck in there somehow. GCC (which also has an Ada compiler) has its lowest level link libraries under GPL. But there's a link level exception. This is the same for C, C++, Ada, whatever languages GCC supports. (IIRC.)
(Edit: apparently it used to a problem as per sibling comment?)
The binaries AdaCore used to distribute stated that you had to get gnat elsewhere for this link level exception because the runtime library they distributed did not have the exception. But, I'm glad to know that this restriction has been solved.
You could still just proxy everything through a single endpoint. I honestly don't know why people would run software that phones home to function, yet are worried that it phones home...
I'm just saying large corps move incredibly slowly, especially across internal silos. A big effort just to deter a couple of users fiddling with their network settings.
> During an interview, Osgood Perkins recalled a story from production where he learned Nicolas Cage has a particular skill that he says no other actor possesses: the ability to recognize how high or low he is able to speak without messing up the audio. According to Perkins: "The sound guy came over to me one day...(he) comes up to me a couple of days into Nic being on set and he's like 'Oz, I've never seen anything like it. When Nic is mic'd, I'm watching the dials, when Nic goes big, he goes right to the line. Anything more, a decibel or two over that, and it would be hard to use. Then he goes down, he goes soft and his whispering and he's barely talking, he goes right to the line. Anything past that line, you wouldn't be able to use it. He knows where the lines are. It's the craziest thing I've ever seen in my life'."
Maybe Cage can contribute to the sound design problem actually.