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I'd say your math is wrong. Only a small % of the 11,000 people are going to agree they were scammed.

I don't disagree with your take, but I'd say that's not the only valid take.

One could argue this is an extension for a breaking-news browsing platform.

Hah, didn't even know Twitter had a dark mode.

I've updated the extension to use a dark-mode-friendly highlight color when appropriate. The update should pass the web store review process in a couple days (hopefully).

You're right. I had to reload the extension, then reload the page to get my content script changes injected into it.

Not sure. I just found myself noticing the scroll-position loss repeatedly over a few weeks of browsing Twitter, and figured I didn't have to wait for an official fix.

Twitter loses your scroll position when you go from a Tweet thread to a reply thread, then come back. This is what the extension fixes.

Twitter does keep your scroll position when you go from a "top-level" view ("For you", "Following", ...) to a Tweet thread, then come back.

I cannot reproduce this, but I don't doubt it happens for other users. Guess I am in the lucky bucket. Maybe Firefox users get an older version without some new "improvements". :)

Edit: Nevermind, it happens to me as well, I just never noticed.

How interesting. I experience this problem on both Chrome and Firefox (v121.0.1 on Ubuntu 22.04).

I am mildly curious about why only a subset of Firefox users are experiencing this. Do you mind sharing your Firefox version and OS?

I went to do a sanity check using your steps and unfortunately I missed the problem the first time around - when I go to a tweet thread, then a reply thread, then come back to the tweet thread, it is indeed scrolled all the way up to the top. So I was wrong, I am affected by the same issue, I just never realized it until I went looking for it. One positive I'm taking away from this is the realization that I use Twitter less intensively than I thought, because I wouldn't have noticed this without the explicit steps I don't think. :D

Does middle-clicking the tweet not open it in a new tab?

Hey that works! Thanks!

Shift+click or Ctrl+click works if someone doesn't have a middle button (I forget the exact combo bc it's just in muscle memory from daily use)

Usually: shift is a new window and control is a new tab.

for mac:

cmd+click: new tab in the background

cmd+shift+click: new tab and focus that new tab

Not in India

I thought it looked great. In fact, I was inspired enough to spend several minutes trying to figure out how the author had done it.

Your comment made me curious: what kinds of insights have you seen BE folks miss due to not working closely with PMs and designers?

Obviously it depends on the product/project, but the backend (data modeling, state management, data locality, etc) is crucial to how the product works and UX. The most common gaps I've seen are ineffective reasoning about the state of the user over time, permutations of different logical states, and consistency across surfaces owned by different teams. A good BE product engineer can get their head around the whole problem space and reason about the UX holistically in a way that can provide a huge amount of value to designers and product managers in interactive sessions. If BE does not get a seat at the table you often end up with non-sensical PRDs, designs missing critical details, or worse visual typos end up being interpreted as requirements.

Of course many FE engineers have the chops to solve for these things, as well as PMs and designers with technical background, deep domain expertise, and other qualifications that can make up for these gaps. I came up professionally in the early web days and building startups where it was normal to wear many hats, so it's more about skillsets than rigid titles and role definitions. I've just seen a very common gap that a lot of ostensibly professional proddev folks, even at top companies, have borderline magical thinking about the deeper layers of the product stack.

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