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Significantly better audio quality and better features like inpainting. Saying this as a previously hardcore Suno user.

This is fascinating, can you expand on the section about seeing the world as actionable items?

Yes, the core idea here is that our perceptual system wasn't evolutionarily designed to just scan the world around us and reconstruct it inside our heads. It evolved to keep us in contact with action-relevant properties of the world we're acting in. I.e. we're not just looking for the shapes/objects/textures, we're looking for the things we can action upon ("_affordances_") and that heavily depends on what actions you can perform.

We don't see the chair as a 3D object, we see it as an affordance to sit (along with a wide windowsill or gym ball). The wall is a barrier for an elderly person, but an affordance to the parcour performer. The pole dancer perceives the lamp post very differently from the non-pole dancer. An experienced tennis player sees the ball in mid-air as much bigger than the newbie player. Fatigued hiker perceives the hill as much steeper than full-of-energy hiker. If an athlete is more capable, objects like a baseball or tennis ball, or basketball hoop look bigger.

Gibson's theory on affordances started with his 1979 book "The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception". My understanding is that it has some criticisms, but still considered as one of the leading theories in perception studies and is heavily used in the design community.

No it's not the same thing, the link for this submission even explains that. Anyone who comments should at least give the submission a cursory read.

I did and regardless of the underlying technology it is, in fact, an improvement to an existing product - not something new from whole cloth.

If they had released a search engine, which had been suggested, that would be a new product.

Yeah apps like this are kinda doa unless you got a huge marketing budget

If you like a yellow background, I guarantee you are an outlier

You could do a reward system, like for every 1X educational content watched they get to watch 2X of the fun stuff

Almost none of what you said is true. Same scale? Tempo? Same beat? You think artists are just all using the same instrumental track?

And yes it can do odd time signatures. It can do all sorts of genres like art pop, cinematic scores, ambient, math rock, avant garde, baroque, etc.

There's a surprising number of pop songs that use the same or close to the same chord progression.

I didn't think you could accelerate at all in a freefall (which is why you wouldn't feel it), you are just following a geodesic

Last week tonight is much better researched and has better writing. This wasn't very funny and had no real points.

It's clearly enough for many people. That's the only reason I use Affinity, although I do agree Adobe could change their pricing models overnight and they would be in trouble.

Me too.

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