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It's a whackamole game. They should have never bothered with AI in the first place

they've since retracted that report... they've literally named the GRU unit behind it

This is one of those crazy GOP sites pushing fake news. The FBI literally charged an guy for being an FSB agent in this case.

Just flag this garbage.

I get heavy 'spook' vibes from this users comment history. JW, but do do you have a source, sir? Couldn't find anything.

yes, you got me... I'm the CIA </sarcasm>

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ You came into this thread with all that heat, w/ no source, and ignoring the subject matter. Didn't mean to alienate you as a spook. Your views just align.

That entire platform's demise can be traced back to that interview where the CEO did everything to avoid saying "nazis are bad."

What you're seeing here is society's antibodies at work, slowly carving out the infected part.

Do you have a link to that interview?

I mean, I think that was certainly an accelerating event, and probably the immediate trigger to move for many, but its other problems had been slowly building, anyway.

Since when is the Daily Mail a credible news source?

Another case of malicious compliance from a big US corp that is accustomed to literally owning US lawmakers. Good bye! Another company I won't touch anymore.

Nah, it's "I said the word progress, so you gotta be ok with my superiority complex and hidden oppression values"

The super short tl;d is:

This is a treaty proposed by Russia, and heavily supported by the growing number of dictatorships around the world, such as China, the Arab states, and more recently the growing number of African countries, that will effectively allow them to prosecute anyone who says something bad about their countries under vague "terrorism" charges. If a western country refuses, then they can cut off any legal collaboration for any other more serious crimes. Example: UAE says this French national said something bad about their sheik. France must arrest and hand over that guy because they would be breaking an international treaty otherwise, and may be vulnerable to sanctions and UAE (and others refusal) to cooperate in France's legal investigations, such as economic fraud, terrorism, and such. It's basically a cleverly designed document to enforce and give more power to dictators across their borders, and inside other democratic countries.

Well that is obviously something that will never come through, right? Why would the UN even discuss this?

If you haven't paying attention, the number of autocratic countries has been rising, with many (Solomon Islands, Mali, Chad, Togo, Sudan, Niger, etc.) receiving military help from China and Russia (aka Wagner troops, social media troll farms) to stage coups and take over.

Because the Third Committee of the General Assembly adopted a resolution to do so by a recorded vote of 88 to 58, with 34 abstentions[1].

[1] https://documents-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/N19/383/43/PDF...

Soon to be empty tower... like all the recent skyscrappers. Just look at China struggling to fill theirs in so-called economical hotspots. You must be crazy to believe Oklahoma is a major business center these days.

I think China's difficulties stem from an excessive speculative bubble in real estate, based on the notion/hope that manufacturing and technology industries would continue high rates of growth.

Oklahoma's main economic basis is oil and gas, plus some agricultural and manufacturing, which doesn't seem to justify a massive investment in corporate office space, especially in a city that is so spread out that working from home is a strong argument over driving 20 miles to work.

But, maybe they're betting that oil and gas will make a rebound if there's a change in government in November, who knows.

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