Hey, thanks for the reply. To answer your questions…
1. I haven’t applied to any just yet, I wanted to get my website up and running and clean up my GitHub and build a couple of projects specifically meant for a recruiter to look at — I figure that’ll give me the best chance, I also made a LeetCode account a couple of days and I’ve been working on problems since I’ve heard that tends to help.
2. I don’t have a degree but I am working towards a CS degree, though I am far away from graduation.
3. Knowing myself I would probably thrive in a start up environment but I definitely wouldn’t mind working at an established corp either. As long as it pays the bills and helps me move my career forward then I’m ok with it.
Wow, thank you for sharing this. What happens - just out of curiosity - when the wheel slows down or stops moving altogether? That is, what is the effect like then?
As the wheel slows down the microcontroller detects that and changes the led pattern at a slower rate. But at a slow enough rotation your eyes start seeing each individual led arm rather than the whole image.
When the wheel stops I have it detect that and stop shining the LED's until it starts spinning again.
Not that I can tell, unless you encounter a teacher who (personally) believes it’s worthwhile.
The real problem, IMO, is that they don’t teach cursive but also don’t teach typing. They’ve thrown laptops at the kids without giving them the basic skill necessary to be effective in that medium.
They stopped teaching cursive for a number of years but all the schools in my area start it around age 6 or 7 now. They start typing the next year with some horribly boring typing program.
I can only of course share my own experiences, but I’d recommend taking a government cyber role - especially something hands-on. This allowed me to pivot from software development (which I still love and do but just for myself) to cyber.
Thanks for reminding me of the more "individual challenge" aesthetics of early coding. But I have to ask - you say, "oh well," like that's not something cool. I would have no idea where to even start with a storage virtualization system.
Maybe it's not evil genius, but it sure sounds cool.
Seeking a full- or part- time CISO role (W2 or 1099) with a startup that has reached a point where they're starting to consider information security as business risk, and would like some outside perspective on low-cost, high-impact approaches to these challenges.
1. What have you tried so far to find such a job?
2. Do you have a degree? I don’t personally believe they should be required but many employers hold a different view.
3. Are you open to a startup or do you prefer something more corporate?