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Sure, for various values of unethical. Why not use more precise language? Is conflating ethical issues a good use of time? The author's opinion is obvious but poorly stated.

Or maybe we have to read the article to find his opinion:

> Debating whether Moses’ bridges discriminate is an unhelpful distraction. But can a bridge be discriminatory? Absolutely.

Personally, I thought the author was a bit offensive in that he kept suggesting his own values should be reflected in good design and he couldn't seem to accept that there are other opinions as valuable as his own.

what it means to have values is that you don't accept that the negation of those values is as valuable as they are

i don't like the taste of liver. but i accept that other people do like liver, and that their enjoyment is just as worthy of respect as my distaste for it. so it's not a value, just a preference

i don't like racism, either. i am aware that other people do like it, but i believe that their feelings on this matter are worthy of disrespect. that is precisely because my rejection of racism is a question of values

> I thought the author was a bit offensive in that he kept suggesting his own values should be reflected in good design

I didn’t notice that? What are the values the author is pushing?

Other than the central thesis that ethics should be considered as part of the design process.

In the 2010's, tech companies got together and tried to remove files from the user space.

I think it's pretty clear from all Sam's interviews that I've seen that he is a sociopath. I wonder why Paul didn't see it.

Honestly, I am shocked Altman has made it as far as he has and lasted this long.

He comes across to me as very creepy and unsettling in interviews. I cannot imagine he is any better in person. How anybody can talk to someone like that for more than a minute is beyond me.

You're in a forum full of nerds and the accusation towards Altman is "he totally looks like a nerd".....

Wow that really sucks for you. I just read it in 5 minutes and feel much more informed about the subject pf nvidia memory twizzlization. It's kind of funny to me that presumably young college guys are writing in a style that's very readable for my old ass.

>that really sucks for you

How can I put this in your vernacular...

"Most polite genZ meme enjoyer"

Remember, Google retains the right to copy databases as they're not copy protected.

This attack is very sophisticated and still the root cause is undiscovered.

This should be the opening statement of that article.

How does one learn to understand these kind of attacks, other than networking and Cisco router OS?

WireShark would be a good start

Clearly he needs a framework for making games in Rust instead of iterating through rust primitives.

Windows 12 when

Real time operating systems are expensive to develop for and require laborious system validation. That's why we decided to use a custom version of Android Jelly Bean running on the latest MediaTek quad core processors featuring Arm Mali gpus. Sensor communications are handled wirelessly with BlueTooth. Be sure to turn off all electronic devices before the flight. :)

All development was offshored to a lowest bidder. Thanks to this, all our critical flight control software is now developed by a single intern aided by Copilot (sic!) We are now looking for a way to optimize the intern away.

It would be nice, if someone could train stray cats. I have very smart in my neighborhood. And can be hired for cheap, basically a slice of sausage.

I can’t wait until they replace pilots with remote workers in a low cost of living area.

90% of what a pilot does is sit there, so you can just have one pilot per ten planes, and have them remotely connect to the one that needs attention!

It’s one of those situations where the latency, packet loss and jitter really does kill you!

Yea I laugh at everyone try to shove AI into hardware and software design of physical products as if there's a market of engineers out there and not just hobbyists keeping things alive in the states.

We've long since offshored the development of any physical products that isn't considered ITAR/defense world.

I think there is a great opportunity to use AI in design and development, as long as it is used correctly. Which is as tools to help engineers.

At my previous workplace I wrote a documentation bot which helps people find documentation based on vague descriptions of what they are looking for (like when you know you saw something but you don't know where exactly or what the keyword is). Or by specifying what you want to accomplish.

Mind, the bot would not create answers to questions, it would just ingest existing documentation and point people to things that are relevant to their searches.

That would imply that my entire career didn't exist!

Hmmm, wonder what I've been hallucinating about for the last 30 years.

AI should be in life critical software.

Giving me a heart attack reading this

You joke, but relying on bluetooth could be reasonable as a redundant system, wires can break too. Probably more as a failure detection mechanism though.

Unicode is Turing complete which makes it an attack vector.

It is a set of glyphs and their encodings. How is that 'Turing complete'?

Unicode involves more than the set of glyphs and their encodings; it also involves properties, etc. However, it can be an attack vector even ignoring that stuff; it does not have to be Turing-complete to be an attack vector. But, the specific kind of attacks depends on the application.

Different kind of character sets and character encodings will be good for different purposes. Unicode is "equally bad" for many uses.

Yes turning complete wasn't the right term. , it would be better to say that it's surprisingly complex to parse

Yes, Unicode is too complicated and too messy, whether or not it is Turing-complete (it is complicated enough that maybe it is Turing-complete; I don't know).

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