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i have learned many language (german, english, french, japanese, korean).

i have used Anki, Supermemo, Flashcards, Watched Series, Read Books and the only thing that seems to work is:

- Spaced Repetition - Something you actually enjoy(learning should be fun) - Comprehensible Input

anything else has not worked for me.

The limitation with flashcards is that you get the entire answer, not sure if there are flashcard apps with a hint function? I experimented with vocab training where you can peek the first two letters which helps jog the memory.

Anki has two types of hint fields (and the CSS/JavaScript in Note Types is editable, so you can add your own functionality if this is insufficient)

* https://docs.ankiweb.net/templates/fields.html#hint-fields

* https://docs.ankiweb.net/editing.html#cloze-deletion:~:text=...

Disclaimer: AnkiDroid maintainer

Clozemaster has something like that where you can get the first letter as a hint. I tried Anki for a few languages and would always burn out making cards. Clozemaster is nice because it puts the word in the context of a sentence and then has an “explain” function that uses ChatGPT to explain the grammar. And they group words by sets of frequency (100 most common, 500 most common, etc)

In Anki, select the “Cloze” card type, and add hints with this syntax

Try encoding the same information in multiple cards to train your brain to understand the concept rather than recognise the card. Good luck!

There’s a hint function on phrasing.app :) we’re launching the public beta this week sometime

I've created a flashcard app with a hint function. I mention it in another comment.

you probably just lack time

In my studying (no, acquiring) Japanese I notice a huge difference when I can do 1.5 hours (or more) a day instead of 20-30 minutes. It's almost like the latter is useless. (Edit: The latter is more than enough to learn grammar etc. But that doesn't teach you the language, unlike what they believed in school way back then)

That may indeed be true. Plus exposure - as kid I had that. Now Duolingo and what not…not the same

remember that a lot of products sell convenience and time.

this is one of them

I need input on this new API design, i call if 'Functional APIs(fAPIs)'

Given that hacker news is mostly developer-oriented i would like your opinion as to why we don't use "HTTP APIs" as mostly single functions instead of the REST and GraphQL horrors i see on a weekly basis.

why not:


body -> { 'name': 'new user' 'email': 'email@gmail.com' 'password_hash': '50e721e49c013f00c62cf59f2163542a9d8df02464efeb615d31051b0fddc326' ... }

200 OK

instead of

https://example.org/v1/users/create/new <body>

200 OK

i attached a PDF link with more details.

criticism is welcomed.

Not seeing any value in this myself. Seems to be difference for difference sake, but I fail to see what it really brings to the table.

You start off with a ‘complex’ JSON but there’s absolutely nothing in the PDF that describes how this fApi is meant to address that.

Also not seeing any real justification as to the actual real need for this, other than “it’s different”.

Finally the claim that the versioning is somehow better, to me is the exact opposite. By having the version number at the start it makes it easy to switch between versions without having to append to a “function name”.

Sorry, but it’s an absolute hard-pass from me. As it stands I fail to see any value whatsoever in this over RestAPI.

Dog knows I’m no fan of GraphQL, but I’d take that over this any day of the week and twice on a Wednesday…

there are different people who value different things.

some value more control

some value more responsibility

some value more recognition

You have to understand that most APIs, most codebases, most designs, most documents, most ... everything

was done by people who did not receive the appropriated training in design patterns and has to glue something that worked in order to be proved by someone else

outside of a few orgs who chase excellency in every regard this is the reality for most companies, organizations and people. it makes sense given the circumstances they found themselves in.

it's actually quite impressive that anything works when you REALLY think about it


Fair enough and I get it, I've been there. But for a 17 year old company worth ~30 billion to have this many issues compared to both newer startups(Salesloft/Outreach) and large incumbents(Salesforce) is just unacceptable.

I'm not here saying every company is perfect, I have quite a few gripes with other services but they either:

A. Actually respond to issues and work with developers and actively help maintain their app integrations despite significantly smaller support teams(I've worked with at most 1-2 csms and an engineer or pm with most integrations but with hubspot I get routed from our app manager, to a csm to an entire engineering team and even the head of support all to just get an email that their oauth issues won't be fixed until q3 202x since developer experience isn't a priority)


B. Blatantly don't care but don't sell themselves to sales team that they have a great integration and great support for people building integrations. I'm at a point where I'm trying to actively push our mutual customers to anything but hubspot

I appreciate your sharing of yoir experience with the Hubspot API. I wasn't aware of how bad it is, and I'll keep it in mind.

Responding to the way that Hubspot handled your concerns: competitors Pardot and Marketo are not any better. I don't remember them ever correcting bugs that I reported. And simply getting through the gauntlet of "this isn't a bug, its a feature" Level 1 support is exhausting. Eloqua was much better - but only because I was working at a "partner consultant" org at the time and concerns/bug reports were fast-tracked to senior support techs.

Generally, Salesforce is what I consider "perfect software" (Joel's "good software takes 10 years" concept). It beats all the startups on so many fronts...

hey @thexumaker, I'm a new PM at HubSpot working on our APIs and some of the issues you've brought up are just what I'm looking to improve. Sorry to hear you haven't had a great experience with the APIs or getting contact with HubSpot PMs. I have my email on my profile, would love to get some more detail on your feedback --please feel free to reach out!

Try to turn your opinion around and realize that the API they offer must be good enough for them to survive 17 years and have a 30 billion market cap.

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