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honest-broker is the only Substack publication I have found to consistently hold my attention. Reading Gioia's writing feels like eating nutritious food.

I am most likely ignorant, however. Are there any other Substack publications of the same quality?

It may not be Substack, but I recommend Stratechery.

This is the most prescient point I have read hitherto regarding LLMs. We are fashioning for ourselves gods of wood and stone.

Is this designed to be run in production?

No, it is to test your system before the production

Please could someone explain, very simply, what the training data was composed of?

"October 2008

The economic situation is apparently so grim that some experts fear we may be in for a stretch as bad as the mid seventies.

When Microsoft and Apple were founded." [1]

"A programmer can sit down in front of a computer and create wealth. A good piece of software is, in itself, a valuable thing." [2]

These words give me hope.

[1] https://paulgraham.com/badeconomy.html [2] https://paulgraham.com/wealth.html

Error level logging can exist with a metrics focused approach.

What books can I read to reason like this?

EDIT: shortened sentence

This might sound strange but a book on real analysis or topology that walks through proofs could be one.

+1, pg is using a pretty typical argument you see in analysis/topology.

If you want to get to real analysis/topology the typical sequence is

1. Logic and Set theory (recommendation: How to Prove It, Velleman)

2. Linear Algebra (don't have a good recommendation)

3a. Real analysis (recommendation: PMA, Rudin)

3b. Topology (recommendation: Topology, Munkres)

I'm not sure I'd recommend learning math. It's an extremely expensive skill -- though pretty valuable in the software industry. People who go learn math are generally just drawn to it; you can't stop them even if you wanted to.

But be aware, (1) you'll have no one to talk about math with. And (2) you'll be joining a club of all the outcasts in society, including the Unabomber.

My final draft is often completely different to my first draft, which I wouldn’t want to ship.

Most of the time I only start to see the real shape of the solution after a few days of work.

Those iterations each day have value as they propel me toward a solution. But it’s more of an internal type of shipping. I’m shipping to myself.

Same here. Every damn time it's only my third idea that is sufficiently correct and maintainable. Unfortunately that means I need to sit and wait before it comes to me.

I could go the analytical road and write down all the requirements, edge cases and just tick them off one bu one but that's throughly exhausting.

At work more often than not I settle on the second iteration, but that is still slow by some people's standards and incurs tech debt.

The author did provide an exception:

> Unless your specific use case demands the unique advantages of microservices, it is wiser to stick with a well-structured monolith.

The author also has a section in the article called “When should you consider using microservices?”.

Regarding safety, is probabilistic programming (PP) an alternative that addresses these concerns? My understanding is that you can use PP to develop transparent models.

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