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When the context of IP Camera's/CCTV/surveillance or video security is establish, yes, it's very common jargon.

In the early days of IP CCTV/surveillance cameras, I used to call them "IP cameras."

But that was very a long time ago. Now I just call them "cameras."

The vehicle isn't moving. It's a several ton vehicle. No matter the rate of turn, it has no forward momentum to assist the turn. This is the same reason that non-power-assisted steering vehicles are easy to turn at high speed, and difficult at low/no speed. It takes more energy. This means the quicker (in terms of acceleration and velocity) you turn the drive wheels the more energy it takes and the more wear and tear it places on the steering components and tires.

Even if this wasn't by design and is a limit of the "power" of the power steering system unable to "keep up", so what? Try going 0.5mph and see how it feels.

Also notice its not LAG. It starts turning THE MOMENT you turn the steering wheel, it's rate of change just isn't the same. That's not latency. The vehicle still turns the wheels when you ask it to, even when stopped. In what scenario do you need a stopped vehicles tires to steer from lock to lock in under 3 seconds?

There is plenty to complain about the cybertruck. This aint it, chief.

No but Spirit Aero makes both A330 and 737 parts, including fuselages and wing components among others, so while I know this thread was made in jest, the commonality is still worth acknowledging given the greater context.

I don't have full history so hard to know which plane it was exactly, but all the planes listed for VS127 at https://planefinder.net/data/flight/VS127 were delivered between 2011 and 2012, seems somewhat unlikely that it'd be an issue from back then even assuming Spirit was involved.

Normally I'd complain about linking to reddit, but there's a level of rigor here that I think is worthy of attention and discussion. I'm not a mod or anything, but I've seen blog posts here with less effort and citation than this hit the front page all the time. It's also about a month old according to the reddit timestamps, so the discussion isn't really ongoing there (Though of course this hitting HN could revive it I suppose).

Not OP. Just food for thought.

Strictly speaking, linking to reddit isn’t necessary since it was archived around a month ago when it was published: http://archive.today/8gOZB

That doesn't make any sense at all.

Doesn't matter how many languages or accents there are. The problem is that there was an established, large subset of those that it once understood and could comprehend, and now, that allegedly same technology - with several years of opportunities to mature and improve - is now struggling to understand those same people that it once could.

That as nothing to do with accents.

Now, while I acknowledge and agree that Siri, Alexa, and the other pre-AI voice activated assistance have declined in apparent comprehension, I'm not convinced it's entirely a degradation of the tech itself, but a significant increase in expectations and a subsequent decrease in articulation and diction thanks to VoiceGPT being able to handle it. As a result, we talk more naturally, with "uh"s, "um"s, pauses, bad grammar, slang, etc. Let's also acknowledge there's probably a statistically significant number of people (if for no other reason than them aging up into being able to afford/have said devices) that never used that "old" tech "Back in the day" of 2-3 years ago, who's only experience with it is using VoiceGPT first, then trying Siri or what have you and coming to the conclusion that the other voice assistant sucks. That's obviously not a "Fair" comparison, but it's one that gets made in the real all the time regardless when it comes to the court of public opinion, and informs pubic perception at large anyway.

Truthfully I think it's both, but regardless, it's failing to perform in an area where it once did. How much of that is the people changing, and how much of that is the technology, I'm not sure. But I doubt the cause is because we all suddenly switched accents on it.

Or just a simple toggle "keep this speed, let me take of everything else" option.

It's great when tech-assist features work. I look forward to the day that do reliably. Until then (and frankly, even if then), they absolutely need ways to toggle them off, with granularity. Smart features shouldn't replace "dumb" features, just augment/build atop them.

No. I want a speed limiter, something that means I can drive freely and worry about my high speed, not something that keeps the car going even when I take my foot off the gas.

I mean, I guess that might be better than Tesla's randomly slowing down then unexpectedly accelerating again mess, but a simple limiter is far better. The Tesla even has one, but you can't activate it or change it's speed except by going into the valet menu and assigning a PIN. It needs to be adjustable while you are driving with the controls on or around the wheel so that you can set it when the speed limit changes.

That falls under what I commented with regard to having more granular control of said smart features.

They'll complain/look bewildered but little will come of it (probably) if you just do it once and weren't rude. However they can (not necessarily will, but can) revoke your membership for it, which you'll discover when you try to use the card at checkout or online. YMMV of course, but then checking the receipt is something you agreed to when signing on as a member. It really probably depends on how much of a scene it makes and if that stores stop loss dept takes note, which is likely tied to the value/fullness of the stuff in your cart.

I've done it before when busy, the line was long and I just needed tp (I was fortunate Costco was essentially my closest grocery store at the time). The girl doing receipt check looked non plussed and "Sir'd" me, I just smiled held up the receipt, told her have a nice day and kept going. No issue. Full cart might actually get a response though.

It uses power like everything else.

Torvalds can't afford a battery? An M process can probably last for several days with an external battery.

He does a lot of builds during the merge process on some Threadripper machine.

You think he does Linux builds on a Mac?

I naturally think he should use what allows him to develop -- in the winter.

I rearranged the clauses for clarity here:

"The problem is ... with expectations that it’s part of the job ... that academic leaders should have a 'foreign policy'"

> administrators should shut up and do their job

I read that with an implied "while performing duties of said job", not "at all times no matter what". In other words "Do not implement or promote said foreign policy on the job" as that (in their opinion) is not part of their job, but a personal matter to be tended to on personal time.

Stripped of context I can see why someone would take issue with that quote as the implication is dependent on that context, but in context he's clearly talking about performing their duties on the job. Afterall, the implication you're operating off of is that this person is expected to be on the job 24/7 and/or as such should never ever do anything ever that's not relevant to the job or in line with company policies, which is frankly absurd. It's why context is important and while a single line/quote can anchor an entire discussion or position, it rarely can fully embody or express it.

TL;DR: Needs context.

Dashboard in what sense? Is this what you had in mind or no?


Exactly! Let's say Heimdall for example. It's a simple website. Can I "cast" that to the chromecast?

http://stestagg.github.io/dashcast/ allows you to display arbitrary URLs on your device. From my experience doing so is built on a pile of hacks (it’s not actually casting an arbitrary URL, it’s casting the registered-with-google dashcast App ID, and then the dashcast app loads an arbirary URL inside it), but the end result mostly works

So, there goes my next evening! :D Thank you!

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