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(Personally I'm biased. The batshit insane Christian nationalists in America scare me more than the Chinese. There's a ideological rift between Western Europe and the US that few people truly appreciate. The things Republicans say are just not normal).

In the cold war we were all saved by de-escalation and SALT. The US going on record that they want to strangle the Chinese leads to inevitable conflict.


You can thank Nixon and Crazy republicans for SALT.

The batshit insane Christian nationalists are still way less batshit insane than the New Chinese Man racists.

Depends on if you are on the receiving end of their ire (ie. Minorities and non-Christians)

Every non-Chinese (and many Chinese, too) is on the receiving end of the New Chinese Man crazies. The Christian crazies are mostly isolationists - I am not in the US so I don't care much.

"mostly isolationists" except for wanting to kick off a war in the Middle East so Jesus can come back

I am not in the US so I don't care much.

Well, not to put too fine a point on it, but if that be the case, why should Americans "care much" about anything not in the US?

Just saying, you can't expect to get what you yourself won't even give.

It's an internal US issue that I can't do anything and doesn't affect me - even if I cared, there's not much I could do, and I don't think it's something I should meddle in.

I am all for cooperation in solving common problems.

Its an internal US issue that has external consequences (ie. Chaos in the Middle east)

That's fine. Just means if you have internal issues, don't expect our help.

I don't expect you to meddle in our politics, indeed.

Can you elaborate on the china's crazies? (I'm aware the can be pretty racist)

Honestly not sure?

There are some batshit crazy people here. Think mass shootings in walmarts, targets and the occasional black church every now and again. Those people get into power, they won't be satisfied with just walmart shootings. Fairly certain they'd try to take down all the "enemies of freedom". Which would be, pretty much, anyone they say is an "enemy of freedom". MidEasterners, Jews, Asians, South Americans, anyone in Europe to the left of themselves ideologically. Pretty much everyone.

Christian nationalists represent an existential level threat not only to the US, but everyone on the planet. If they come to power, the best outcome would be Russia and the US go at it and obliterate each other. Ridding the rest of the globe of both centers of foolishness.

There's a massive demographic increase in single person households. If you're single you have to meet people you can't just retreat into your suburbia castle with your family.

Architecture and city planning takes time to catch up to this new society.

European cities didn't have skyscrapers until recently because of "muh monuments muh medieval skyline".

It's changing though I'm seeing 40 story (luxury) apartment complexes go up all over Dutch cities.

Countries don't care about copyright until they make stuff worth stealing.

I see this in my own country. Amsterdam is expensive why not go to the countryside? Where it that easy.

Restaurants, clubs, drug dealers, ordering your coffee at Starbucks in English not Dutch- all the things you want as a high rising young urban professional is in the city. So if you actually want to attract this talent you cough up the ridiculous amount of money for the privilege of the city.

It's nice to be near other immigrants too. It's harder to get to know people with entrenched friend networks, and the Dutch aren't known for being easy to befriend.

It was religion that stopped the Mongols. One of their leaders converted to Islam and broke up their empire.

Completely incorrect. The Mongol social structure did that without religion. Like most nomadic peoples, inheritance rules split the ownership amongst a leader’s sons, fairly equally. This is because they had people and herds, not land (hence, nomads), so it was the most sensible way of doing it.

This, mixed with the fact that Russia and the Middle East are thousands of miles away from the Mongolian and Chinese capitals made it inevitable that a leader on one side of the empire would ignore their overlord on the other side. Thus, the empire would fracture quickly (and pretty much did as soon as the family ties to Genghis Khan were loose enough).

Libraries are government funded. If they don't provide services that people want they're a drain on the city budget.

During the energy crisis libraries were places that old people could go to for heat.

Libraries are also used as a free Starbucks to work in.

All the famous chefs didn't become famous from their cooking. They became famous because of their charisma. Jamie Oliver looked really good on camera.

AI will never be able to bullshit the way humans can.

LLMs bullshit, or hallucinate, or lie, or confabulate all day long.

If memory serves there was a plan to invade the Azores in WW2 which would have been immensely ironic.

After WW2 the US was gracefully handed over a few islands to serve as aircraft bases. The Chinese still lack such soft power so they have to make their own islands.

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