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...and one level of language-precision further, these articles get into how "sea level" differs from "where gravitational potential is equal":



> rather spend 5 hours improving performance by 10% than doing sales that would actually bring in money...

And often that's a false dichotomy.

This website collects many such examples, where more performance was linked to more sales/etc: https://wpostats.com

...like the past few decades of Python/Ruby/Node/etc wrapping C-ABI libraries from any language?





When using Zig functions and structs on the low side there are some nice opportunities for making the low/high interface more automatic at comptime, especially when you're jointly compiling (your Zig code + a Zig-based Python interpreter + your Python code) together into one WASM blob.

Disclaimer/public-commitment-to-getting-it-released: I've written most of a Python interpreter in Zig as part of another project. (just the basics — won't be big and professional like CPython.) I'll reply here eventually when it's done, available as FLOSS, and ready to say "high-low".

ABIs are not enough, it is a huge pain in the ass to setup the function invocations, especially cross-platform. Having separate compiling and linking steps for each part of the codebase and stuff is a huge pain.

I think Bun (NodeJS-compatible runtime) was planning to add native support for importing C and Zig code directly from JS with typescript codegen. But even that is still a bit meh, you also need some data-exchange format so you can pass complex data structures without paying a serialisation/deserialisation cost.

What audio system does this use?

Is it E2EE directly between you and the other person?

The website doesn't say much before you click the Start button. Everything has tradeoffs, and implementation details matter.

I have no means to check this page on my mobile now, but if it was me making it I would have used WebRTC, plus some backend to pair random peers. I think E2EE can be implemented on the stream.

> all choices in life have trade-offs

> I invite them to attempt writing a few million words. It will give one a very considered view on one’s own style.

That it will! I recently went from [not writing many documents] to [writing a ton of documents], and it turbocharged my reflecting-on-style background process.

Thanks again for your documents over the decades!

...and as a quote in HPMOR put it:

> Apparently people who were in books actually sounded like a book when they talked.

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